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検索結果: 435-455 / 18390.

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発行日タイトル 著者
Mar-2009 Augmented Realityを用いたロボットの遠隔操作のためのセンサフュージョンシステムの開発西村, 康弘; にしむら, やすひろ
2016 AuPdバイメタルナノ粒子を触媒とするアルコール類の選択的酸化反応西村, 俊
25-Jul-2008 Authentication Revisited: Flaw or Not, the Recursive Authentication ProtocolLi, Guoqiang; Ogawa, Mizuhito
2008 Authentication Revisited: Flaw or Not, the Recursive Authentication ProtocolLi, Guoqiang; Ogawa, Mizuhito
29-Oct-2022 Authenticityに注目した事業機会の形成から顧客価値の創出に至る過程の探求 : 国産紅茶を事例として高野, 里紗; 金間, 大介
Jul-2014 Automated Complexity Analysis Based on Context-Sensitive RewritingHirokawa, Nao; Moser, Georg
2008 Automated Complexity Analysis Based on the Dependency Pair MethodHirokawa, Nao; Moser, Georg
Mar-1997 Automated Editing of Electronic Texts佐藤, 円
Mar-2021 Automated Penetration Testing Using Deep Reinforcement Learning胡,振国; こ, しんこく
Apr-2007 Automated Robot Docking Using Direction Sensing RFIDKim, MyungSik; Kim, Hyung Wook; Chong, Nak Young
4-Mar-2008 Automated target acquisition and docking RFID system in a cluttered environmentKim, Myungsik
Nov-2005 Automatic Answering System to Learners’ Questions in e-Learning ContentsRong, Ma; Yoshida, Kenji; Nishishita, Tomoko; Nakayama, Hirotaka; Jifa, Gu; Gerhard, Chroust
15-Jan-2008 Automatic Construction of Program Transformation TemplatesChiba, Yuki; Aoto, Takahito; Toyama, Yoshihito
Sep-2017 Automatic Cyberattack Emulation for Interactive Security Defense TrainingTang, Thanh Dat; たん, たいん だっと
2005 Automatic discovery of attribute words from Web documentsTokunaga, K.; Kazama, J; Torisawa, K
4-Mar-2008 Automatic Extraction of Named Entity Related Relations for SearchingNguyen, Thanh Tri
1-Oct-2007 Automatic Extraction of the Fine Category of Person Named Entities from Text CorporaNGUYEN, Tri-Thanh; SHIMAZU, Akira
Mar-2018 Automatic extraction of x86 formal semantics from its natural language descriptionNguyen, Lam Hoang Yen; ぐえん, らむ ほあん いぇん
Nov-2005 Automatic Facial Gesture Construction Using Image WarpingStephen, Karungaru; Fukumi, Minoru; Akamatsu, Norio; Jifa, Gu; Gerhard, Chroust
Mar-2022 Automatic Focal Period Detection of Lecture Archives盛, 若竹; せい, わかたけ
Mar-2020 Automatic Focus Area Detection of Lecture Archive for SmartphoneYANG, YUHUI; やん, うき
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お問合せ先 : 北陸先端科学技術大学院大学 研究推進課図書館情報係 (ir-sys[at]ml.jaist.ac.jp)