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検索結果: 1127-1147 / 18390.

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発行日タイトル 著者
Dec-2022 Data structure for multi-layered digital score霜坂, 秀一; しもさか, しゅういち
26-Oct-2019 DAWの普及によるイノベーション : 電子楽器と音楽制作分野の産業生態系変容に関する一考察行本, 顕; 妹尾, 堅一郎; 伊澤, 久美
Mar-1999 de Bruijn ネットワークを用いた超並列コンピュータシステムの階層型相互結合網内角, 哲人; うちかど, あきひと
27-Oct-2007 de facto standardが製品の脱コモディティ化を阻害する : 家電業界のLCMの視点から(標準化(3),一般講演,第22回年次学術大会)葛西, 達哉; 高山, 誠
22-Oct-2005 DEA/Malmquist 指数による製薬産業の研究開発効率の推移測定(イノベーション・プロセス (2), 第20回年次学術大会講演要旨集I)羽田, 尚子; 橋本, 昭洋
7-Feb-2000 A deadlock-free routing for hierarchical interconnection network : TESHMiura, Yasuyuki; Horiguchi, Susumu
Mar-2004 DEAを用いた自動車業界における環境効率性分析杉山, 秋彦; すぎやま, あきひこ
2-Nov-2013 DEAを用いた自治体における環境への取り組みの評価湯舟, 勇介; 梶山, 朋子; 大内, 紀知
Mar-2009 Decentralized Fault-tolerant Flocking Algorithms for a Group of Autonomous Mobile RobotsXavier Defago; 楊, 燕; やん, いえん
Feb-2009 Decentralized Formation Control for Small-Scale Robot Teams with AnonymityLee, Geunho; Nak Young, Chong
8-Dec-1998 Decidability for left-linear growing term rewriting systemsNagaya, Takashi; Toyama, Yoshihito
4-Dec-1998 Decidable/undecidable properties of conditional term rewriting systemsAoto, Takahito; Nagaya, Takashi
Nov-2005 Decision Engineering MethodologyKazimierz, Zaras; Christian, Fonteix; Laszlo, Kiss; Jules, Thibault; Jifa, Gu; Gerhard, Chroust
Nov-2007 Decision Making Models Using Weather Forecast InformationHiramatsu, Akio; Huynh, Van-Nam; Nakamori, Yoshiteru; Nakamori, Yoshiteru; Wang, Zhongtuo; Gu, Jifa; Ma, Tieju
Sep-2007 Decision making under uncertainty with fuzzy targetsHuynh, Van-Nam; Nakamori, Yoshiteru; Ryoke, Mina; Ho, Tu-Bao
24-May-2024 Decision making via End-to-End Lossy Distributed Wireless Cooperative Networks - A Distributed Hypothesis Testing based Formulation -Matsumoto, Tad
Nov-2005 Decision Support Systems for Mouse-clickersChunhui, XU; Jifa, Gu; Gerhard, Chroust
Feb-1990 Decoding Performance of Linear Block Codes Using a Trellis in Digital Mobile RadioMatsumoto, Tadashi
Nov-2015 Decoding Techniques for Graph-based Random Access High Dense Multiway Multirelay NetworksAnwar, Khoirul
13-Jul-2010 Decreasing Diagrams and Relative TerminationHirokawa, Nao; Middeldorp, Aart
Jun-1996 A Deductive Object-Oriented Database System for Situated Inference in LawWong, Stephen; Tojo, Satoshi
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