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検索結果: 3146-3166 / 18390.

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発行日タイトル 著者
Feb-2010 MIMO spatial turbo coding with iterative equalizationAnwar, Khoirul; Matsumoto, Tadashi
May-2003 A MIMO Turbo Equalizer for Frequency Selective Channels With Unknown InterferenceAbe, Tetsushi; Tomisato, Shigeru; Matsumoto, Tadashi
16-Apr-1999 Mingle converse principle for substructural logicsKamide, Norihiro; 上出, 哲広; カミデ, ノリヒロ
Mar-2018 mini-cの育成に関する研究 -創造的になる方法を探索してー近藤, 健次; こんどう, けんじ
15-Feb-1996 Minimizing maximum absolute lateness and range of lateness under generalized due dates on a single machineTanaka, Keisuke; Vlach, Milan; 田中, 圭介; Vlach, Milan; タナカ, ケイスケ
Aug-2008 Minimizing Minimum Delay Compensations for Timing Variation-Aware Datapath SynthesisInoue, Keisuke; Kaneko, Mineo; Iwagaki, Tsuyoshi
7-Sep-1995 Minimizing the range of lateness on a single machine under generalized due datesTanaka, Keisuke; Vlach, Milan; 田中, 圭介; タナカ, ケイスケ
12-May-1998 Minimizing total completion time in a two-machine no-idle flowshopCepek, Ondrej; Okada, Masanori; Vlach, Milan
Mar-2009 Minimum Nomic : a tool for studying rule dynamicsHatakeyama, Masaomi; Hashimoto, Takashi
Jun-2017 Minimum Power Based Relay Selection for Orthogonal Multiple Access Relay NetworksPadmanabhan, Ayswarya; Tervo, Valtteri; He, Jiguang; Juntti, Markku; Matsumoto, Tad
Mar-2005 Mining Context-level Associations in Documents Collections using Passages永井, 健太郎; ながい, けんたろう
2012 Mining multiple biological data for reconstructing signal transduction networksNguyen, Thanh-Phuong; Ho, Tu-Bao
Nov-2007 Mining Query Logs for Improving Search EfficiencyTongchim, Shisanu; Sornlertlamvanich, Virach; Isahara, Hitoshi
26-Mar-2019 Mismatched image identification using histogram of loop closure error for feature-based optical mappingElibol, Armagan; Chong, Nak-Young; Shim, Hyunjung; Kim, Jinwhan; Gracias, Nuno; Garcia, Rafael
28-Oct-2023 Mission-Oriented Innovation を実現するための挑戦 : 英国 UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose の取組から村木, 志穂
Oct-2014 Mitigating the Spread of a Virus in the InternetNguyen, Thanh Dang; Bonnet, Francois; Defago, Xavier
29-Jan-2007 MITS : models of IT security : security rules & regulations : an interpretationBjorner, Dines
5-Oct-1995 MITスローンスクールMOTプログラム研修の最新状況 : 1994年度受講体験から青木, 壽晴
12-Jul-2017 Mixture of half-duplex and full-duplex wireless network considering hidden terminal problemNguyen, Minh Dat; Lim, Yuto; Tan, Yasuo
Sep-2016 Mixture of Language Models Utilization in Score-Based Sentiment Classification on Clinical NarrativesDang, Tran Thai; だん, とらん たい
1-Nov-2009 MLD-Based Modeling of Hybrid Systems with Parameter UncertaintyKobayashi, Koichi; Hiraishi, Kunihiko
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