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検索結果: 3046-3066 / 18390.
発行日 | タイトル |
著者 |
Mar-2016 | Massive Wireless Multiway Relay Systems Employing Uncoordinated Transmission Scheme | Hasan, Mohammad Nur; はさん, もはまど ぬる |
Jul-2001 | A Matched Filter Approximation for SC/MMSE Iterative Equalizers | Omori, Hiroo; Asai, Takahiro; Matsumoto, Tadashi |
Oct-2001 | A Matched Filter Approximation for SC/MMSE Iterative Equalizers | Omori, H.; Asai, T.; Matsumoto, T. |
Nov-2007 | Matching Complex Documents Using Tolerance Rough Set Model | Nguyen, T.B.; Ho, T.B.; Pham, C.; Kawasaki, S.; Nakamori, Yoshiteru; Wang, Zhongtuo; Gu, Jifa; Ma, Tieju |
3-Feb-2012 | Material design of retardation films with extraordinary wavelength dispersion of orientation birefringence: A review | Yamaguchi, Masayuki; Abd Manaf, Mohd Edeerozey; Songsurang, Kultida; Shogo, Nobukawa |
19-Feb-2016 | Material properties of pulsed-laser crystallized Si thin films grown on yttria-stabilized zirconia crystallization-induction layersby two-step irradiation method | Lien, Mai Thi Kieu; Horita, Susumu |
12-Jan-2005 | Mathematical foundations for self-referential sentences | Litak, Taeusz |
20-Oct-2015 | A Mathematical Model of Game Refinement and Its Applications to Sports Games | Sutiono, Arie Pratama; Ramadan, Rido; Jarukasetporn, Peetikorn; Takeuchi, Junki; Purwarianti, Ayu; Iida, Hiroyuki |
1-Aug-2016 | A Matrix based ORAM: Design, Implementation and Experimental Analysis | GORDON, Steven; MIYAJI, Atsuko; SU, Chunhua; SUMONGKAYOTHIN, Karin |
2003 | Matrix Rounding under the L_p-Discrepancy Measure and Its Application to Digital Halftoning | Asano, Tetsuo; Katoh, Naoki; Obokata, Koji; Tokuyama, Takeshi |
26-Apr-2011 | Maximal Completion | Klein, Dominik; Hirokawa, Nao |
15-Nov-2018 | Maximal Information Coefficient and Predominant Correlation-Based Feature Selection Toward A Three-Layer Model for Speech Emotion Recognition | Li, Xingfeng; Akagi, Masato |
Sep-2005 | Maximum entropy models with inequality constraints: A case study on text categorization | Kazama, J; Tsujii, J |
Mar-1996 | MBE による GaAs の低温成長と構造解析 | 須田, 篤史 |
Mar-1997 | MBE 法による HEMT 構造の作製と評価 | 岡安, 潤一 |
Mar-2002 | MBEによるGaAs/Ni複合細線の作製と磁気測定 | 一ノ瀬, 亮二; いちのせ, りょうじ |
Mar-1997 | MBEによるGaAs(001)基板上へのInAs成長の初期過程の研究 | 橋本, 智幸; ハシモト, トシユキ |
Mar-1999 | MBEによる低温成長GaAsにおける過剰As導入機構の解明 | 須田, 篤史; すだ, あつし |
Mar-2001 | MBEによる低温成長GaAsの空気中表面酸化反応の研究 | 鄭, 太雄; じょん, たいうん |
Mar-2002 | MBEによる狭ギャップ半導体へテロ構造作製の研究 | 佐藤, 英崇; さとう, ひでたか |
Mar-2001 | MBE低温成長GaAs/AlAs多重量子井戸構造の光学的研究 | 荒谷, 毅; あらや, たけし |