発行日 | タイトル |
著者 |
5-Nov-2016 | PDCAサイクル駆動に向けた産学連携プログラムの可視化と改善 : A-STEP制度改革からの一考察 | 中神, 雄一; 福田, 佳也乃 |
Jul-2004 | A PDF Estimation-Based Iterative MIMO Signal Detection With Unknown Interference | Veselinovic, Nenad; Matsumoto, Tadashi; Juntti, Markku |
9-Sep-2004 | Peeling Kinetics of giant multilamellar vesicles on a solid-liquid interface | Hamada, Tsutomu; Yoshikawa, Kenichi |
27-Jul-2017 | A Peg Solitaire Font | Oikawa, Taishi; Yamazaki, Kazuaki; Taniguchi, Tomoko; Uehara, Ryuhei |
Mar-2006 | Pen Memoによって作成したメモが内容想起に与える影響の分析 | 井上, 善嗣; いのうえ, よしつぐ |
Mar-2024 | PEO誘導体・イオン液体・ホウ素化合物からなる高分子イオンゲル電解質のイオン伝導特性の検討 | 古澤, 大; ふるさわ, だい |
20-Dec-2017 | Peptide aptamer-modified single walled carbon nanotube-basedtransistors for high-performance biosensors | Nguyen Thanh Tung; Phan Tue Trong; Truong Thi Ngoc Lien; Ohno, Yasuhide; Maehashi, Kenzo; Matsumoto, Kazuhiko; Nishigaki, Koichi; Biyani, Manish; Takamura, Yuzuru |
4-Aug-2004 | Peptides binding to a Gb3 mimic selected from a phage library | Miura, Yoshiko; Sasao, Yuuki; Kamihira, Masamichi; Sakaki, Akio; Iijima, Shinji; Kobayashi, Kazukiyo |
Jun-2023 | Perceptual and Position-aware Shapelet Networks for Time series Classification | Le, Thi Xuan May; れ, てい すあん めい |
5-Mar-2018 | Perceptual grouping with prosodic features in Japanese dialects | Zhang, Ling; Akagi, Masato |
29-Jan-2004 | Percolation transition of the quasi-two-dimenasional hole system in δ-doped GaAs structures | Noh, J.P.; Shimogishi, F.; Idutsu, Y.; Otsuka, N. |
29-Jan-2004 | Percolation transition of the quasi-two-dimensional hole system in δ-doped GaAs structures | Noh, J.P.; Shimogishi, F.; Idutsu, Y.; Otsuka, N. |
1-Nov-2008 | Performance Evaluation of Workflows Using Continuous Petri Nets with Interval Firing Speeds | HIRAISHI, Kunihiko |
Nov-2005 | Performance Analysis and Evaluation for Multi-Traffic Networks Using Priority Based Controlled Available Bit Rates | Wuyi, Yue; Dequan, Yue; Huachen, Zhang; Fengsheng, Tu; Jifa, Gu; Gerhard, Chroust |
23-Aug-2017 | Performance Analysis for Lossy-Forward Relaying Over Nakagami- m Fading Channels | Qian, Shen; Zhou, Xiaobo; He, Xin; He, Jiguang; Juntti, Markku; Matsumoto, Tad |
2016 | Performance analysis for multi-source multi-relay transmission over κ-μ fading channels | Qian, Shen; He, Jiguang; Juntti, Markku; Matsumoto, Tad |
31-Jul-2017 | Performance analysis for two-way lossy-forward relaying with random Rician K-factor | Qian, Shen; He, Jiguang; Juntti, Markku; Matsumoto, Tad |
22-Nov-2018 | Performance Analysis of Distortion-Acceptable Cooperative Communications in Wireless Sensor Networks for Internet of Things | Lin, Wensheng; Matsumoto, Tad |
8-Dec-2017 | Performance Analysis of Lossy Decode-and-Forward for Non-Orthogonal MARCs | He, Jiguang; Tervo, Valtteri; Qian, Shen; Xue, Qiang; Juntti, Markku; Matsumoto, Tad |
23-Jan-2018 | Performance analysis of mixture of half-duplex and full-duplex wireless networks using network coding | NGUYEN, Minh Dat; LIM, Yuto; TAN, Yasuo |