JAIST Repository >
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検索結果: 3077-3097 / 18390.
発行日 | タイトル |
著者 |
28-Oct-2017 | 「MEA Parser」の国際公開から得られたオープンサイエンスの考慮点 | 犬塚, 隆志; 井出, 吉紀 |
Aug-2019 | Mean Spectral Normalization of Deep Neural Networks for Embedded Automation | Subramanian, Anand Krishnamoorthy; Chong, Nak Young |
Nov-2005 | The Meaning of JAIST-COE Program and the Changing Circumstances of Academic Research in JAPAN | Ogata, Saburo; Jifa, Gu; Gerhard, Chroust |
Nov-2007 | Meaning Structure Modeling : A Methodology for Creative Design of Shapes | Georgiev, Georgi V.; Nagai, Yukari; Taura, Toshiharu; Morita, Junya |
1999 | Measurement of Interfacial Tension between Polymer Melts: Improved Imbedded Fiber Retraction, Breaking Thread and Dynamic Viscoelasticity Methods | Okamoto, Kenzo; TAKAHASHI, M.; YAMANE, H.; WATASHIBA, H.; TSUKAHARA, Y.; MASUDA, T. |
Mar-2018 | Measuring Financial Crisis Index for Risk Warning through Analysis of Social Network | 王, 忠聖; おう, ちゅうせい |
29-Jul-2016 | Measuring Sophistication of Sports Games: The First Result from Baseball | Yuranana, Kitrungrotsakul; Panumate, Chetprayoon; Iida, Hiroyuki; Tanaka, Kiyofumi |
Sep-2018 | Medical Knowledge Management in Mongolian Healthcare Organization: Case study of Intermed hospital in Ulaanbaatar [課題研究報告書] | Ganbat, Munkhchimeg; がんばと, むんくちめげ |
18-Jun-2011 | Melodic Morphing Algorithm in Formalism | Hirata, Keiji; Tojo, Satoshi; Hamanaka, Masatoshi |
Mar-2000 | MEM/Rietveld法を用いたフラーレン結晶の精密構造解析 | Dam, Hieu Chi |
Mar-2000 | MEM/Rietveld法を用いたフラーレン結晶の精密構造解析 | 磯, 康人; いそ, やすひと |
Nov-2007 | Memory Principle Based Domain Word Relationship Network Construction Model | Wang, Lei; Zhou, Kuanjiu; Qiu, Peng; Nakamori, Yoshiteru; Wang, Zhongtuo; Gu, Jifa; Ma, Tieju |
10-Dec-2014 | A Memory-based Robot Architecture based on Contextual Information | Pratama, Ferdian; Mastrogiovanni, Fulvio; Chong, Nak Young |
12-Oct-2008 | MEMS分野における異分野技術融合度合いの差異による,日本及び欧州における研究開発の特性比較分析研究 | 細矢, 淳; 坂田, 淳一; 鈴木, 勝博 |
15-Oct-2011 | MEMS研究開発におけるDARPAの役割 : ラディカル・イノベーションを可能にする公的資金配分機関のマネジメント | 和賀, 三和子 |
Nov-2005 | Merging fuzzy statistical data with imprecise prior information - application in solving complex decision problems | Olgierd, Hryniewicz; Jifa, Gu; Gerhard, Chroust |
1996 | A message recovery signature scheme equivalent to DSA over elliptic curves | Miyaji, Atsuko |
2015 | Meta-contents of Design Creativity: Extraction of the key concepts that form the sense of design | Nagai, Yukari; Junaidy, Deny |
2003 | Meta-Evolutionary Game Dynamics for Mathematical Modelling of Rules Dynamics | Hashimoto, Takashi; Kumagai, Yuya |
Mar-2024 | Meta-Learning Applications in Sentiment Analysis: Research on Context Adaptability and Domain Transfer | 王, 也; おう, や |
Nov-2005 | Meta-synthesis Approach to Exploring Constructing Integrated Transportation System in China | Xijin, TANG; Kun, NIE; Yijin, LIU; Jifa, Gu; Gerhard, Chroust |