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検索結果: 4908-4928 / 18404.

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発行日タイトル 著者
Mar-2019 A Study on Long-Short Term Memory Networks with Attention MechanismSu, Hang
2014 Study on method of estimating direction of arrival using monaural modulation spectrumAndo, Masaru; Morikawa, Daisuke; Unoki, Masashi
Dec-2015 Study on method to control fundamental frequency contour related to a position on Valence-Activation spaceHamada, Yasuhiro; Elbarougy, Reda; Xue, Yuawn; Akagi, Masato
Mar-1998 Study on Mixed Similarity Measures of Symbolic and NumericData and Their Applications to Knowledge Discovery in Databases森田, 高文; もりた, たかふみ
Dec-2022 Study on monaural speech enhancement by restoring instantaneous amplitude and instantaneous phaseVo, Duc Duy; ゔぉ, じゅっく どぅい
2-Mar-2011 Study on MTF-based power envelope restoration in noisy reverberant environmentsMorita, Shota; Lu, Xugang; Unoki, Masashi; Akagi, Masato
Mar-2021 A Study on Multi-Exit Deep Neural Network for Real-time Processing李,納欽; り, なきん
Sep-2016 Study on Network Management of Smart Home System - Combination of direct and indirect management techniquesPham, Van Cu; ふぁむ, ゔぁん く
Mar-2019 A Study on Neural Extractive Summarization of Single document陳, 来福; ちん, らいふ
Mar-1999 Study on New E-cash Systems広橋, 浩司; ひろはし, こうじ
Sep-2023 Study on noise suppression based on the spectro-temporal modulationPutri, Fanda Yuliana; ぷとり, ふぁんだ ゆりあな
Mar-2018 Study On Non-Parallel Voice Conversion using Variational Autoencoder with Modulation Spectrum-constrained TrainingHo, Tuan Vu; ほー, とぅあん ゔ
Mar-2019 Study on Nonlinear Relationships between Semantic Primitives and Emotion Dimensions for Improving Three-layered Model劉, 星宇; りゅう, せいう
7-Mar-2019 Study on Nonlinear Relationships between Semantic Primitives and Emotional Dimensions for Improving Three-layered ModelLiu, Xingyu; Elbarougy, Reda Elsaid; Akagi, Masato
1-Mar-2009 A study on nonlinguistic features in singing and speaking voices by brain activity measurementNakamura, Tomohiko; Kitamura, Tatsuya; Akagi, Masato
Mar-2021 A Study on Optimization of Residual Binarized Neural Network陳, 炎; ちん, えん
Mar-2018 A study on orientation control of HfO2/ITO thin films using ZnO buffer layer by RF-magnetron sputtering堂安, 豪; どうあん, たける
Feb-2015 A study on perception of emotional states in multiple languages on Valence-Activation approachHan, Xiao; Elbarougy, Reda; Akagi, Masato; Li, Junfeng; Ngo, Thi Duyen; Bui, The Duy
6-Mar-2019 Study on Perception of Speaker Age by Semantic Differential MethodLi, Yang; Kobayashi, Maori; Akagi, Masato
Sep-2023 A Study on Perturbations in Low-Resource Language Neural Machine Translations陳, 嘉南; ちぇん, かなん
Sep-2014 Study on Post-processing Method for HMM-based Phonetic Segmentation using Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference system董, 良; とう, りょう
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