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このアイテムの引用には次の識別子を使用してください: http://hdl.handle.net/10119/11441

タイトル: Visualization and Haptic rendering of Ancient Woodcarvings in Sli Lanka
著者: RAJAPAKSE, R.P.C. Janaka
TOKUYAMA, Yoshimasa
MIYATA, Kazunori
キーワード: virtual woodcarvings
haptic rendering
parallax mapping
発行日: 2010-08-05
出版者: International Society for Geometry and Graphics
誌名: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Geometry and Graphics (ICGG’10)
開始ページ: Article 201
抄録: Virtual reality and 3D computer graphics are increasingly been employed onreconstruction of cultural heritage sites and archaeological museums in Europe, less effort has beenspent on evaluating the use of different Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) as wellas 3D computer graphics for reconstructing heritage sites in South Asia. This research presents acase study focused on the visualization and haptic rendering of ancient woodcarvings in Sri Lanka.Embekke is a very special shrine because it owns collection of the greatest woodcarvings in SriLanka. According to archaic documents, it was built during the 14th Century. The historical recordssuggest that the King Wickremabahu III, who reigned in Gampola from 1359 to 1374, built thisshrine and dedicated to God Kataragama. This paper proposes a virtual reality framework forvisualizing ancient woodcarvings in Embekke, that offers a wide set of features to support realisticrendering, advanced human computer interaction and stereoscopic display technology. In order toachieve a realistic visual simulation of woodcarvings, we used several texture mapping techniques,while haptic device has been utilized to simulate the sense of touch.
Rights: It is posted here by permission of the International Society for Geometry and Graphics. R.P.C. Janaka RAJAPAKSE, Yoshimasa TOKUYAMA, Ashu MARASINGHE, Kazunori MIYATA, Raj SOMADEVA, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Geometry and Graphics (ICGG’10), 2010, Article 201.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10119/11441
資料タイプ: author
出現コレクション:a11-1. 会議発表論文 (Conference Papers)


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