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このアイテムの引用には次の識別子を使用してください: http://hdl.handle.net/10119/17056

タイトル: A Study on the Effects of Facial Expression Enhancement Using a Movable Ear-Type Device Linked to Eyebrows Using Facial Expression Analysis
著者: Kimura, Shoko
Fujii, Ayaka
Miyata, Kazunori
キーワード: Emotion recognition
Facial expression expansion
Human augmentation
Cognitive psychology
発行日: 2021-03-09
出版者: 日本感性工学会
誌名: JSKE 第16回日本感性工学会春季大会・ISASE2021
開始ページ: 7B-03
抄録: Nonverbal information can be used to convey emotions. In some cases, we can read emotions from changes in the other person's facial expressions. However, the facial expression is not transmitted to other people in some cases. To address this issue, a glasses-type device with pseudo eyebrows that change eyebrow's thickness and angle was used in the previous research to facilitate the transmission of emotions to others. The device is charging type and cannot be used easily and cannot work for one day. In this study, we use “SUGO-MIMI,” a lightweight device that does not require a power source to extend facial expressions by eyebrow movements. The SUGO-MIMI extends the eyebrow movements by connecting the eyebrows to thin plates imitating cat ears attached to the headband with wires and linking the eyebrows' movement to the plates. The eyebrow movement is extended. Thus, the emotions of joy, anger, and sorrow can be emphasized. As a result of analyzing the facial expressions of the subjects that watch videos of a person who wears the SUGO-MIMI using the Microsoft Face API, we obtained that the SUGO-MIMI can amplify some emotions and that women tended to have more positive impressions of the SUGO-MIMI than men.
Rights: Shoko Kimura, Ayaka Fujii, Kazunori Miyata, JSKE 第16回日本感性工学会春季大会・ISASE2021, 2021, 7B-03. ここに掲載した著作物の利用に関する注意: 本著作物の著作権は日本感性工学会に帰属します。本著作物は著作権者である日本感性工学会の許可のもとに掲載するものです。ご利用に当たっては「著作権法」ならびに関連法規に従うことをお願いいたします。Notice for the use of this material: The copyright of this material is retained by the Japan Society of Kansei Engineering (JSKE). This material is published on this web site with the agreement of the author (s) and the JSKE. Please be complied with Copyright Law of Japan and the Relevant statutes if any users wish to reproduce, make derivative work, distribute or make available to the public any part or whole thereof.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10119/17056
資料タイプ: publisher
出現コレクション:a11-1. 会議発表論文 (Conference Papers)


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