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検索結果: 2297-2317 / 18390.
発行日 | タイトル |
著者 |
Sep-2013 | ICT活用型ダイエットサービスにおける、価値共創に関する研究 | 須田, 泰司; すだ, やすじ |
Sep-2021 | ICT活用教育におけるプロセス改善を目的とした学習者の時系列行動分析 | 吉良, 元; きら, はじめ |
12-Oct-2008 | ICWES14 国際女性技術者科学者会議(フランス) : A changing world: new opportunities for women engineers and scientists | 吉祥, 瑞枝 |
Mar-1997 | ICカードによる電子取引システムの研究 | 島, 成佳; しま, しげよし |
7-Oct-1988 | ICカードの発明・企業化及び将来展望 | 有村, 國孝 |
30-Mar-2009 | ICカードを利用した報奨システムの試みと評価 | 岡田, 政則; 平石, 邦彦; 國藤, 進; Okada, Masanori; Hiraishi, Kunihiko; Kunifuji, Susumu |
2017 | ID-based power flow coloring for power fluctuation management: Concept and classification | Javaid, Saher; Kato, Takekazu |
2014 | iDAF-drum: Supporting Everyday Practice of Drum by Adding an Unperceivable Factor | Nishimoto, Kazushi; Ikenoue, Akari; Unoki, Masashi |
31-Jan-2016 | iDAF-drum: Supporting Practice of Drumstick Control by Exploiting Insignificantly Delayed Auditory Feedback | Nishimoto, Kazushi; Ikenoue, Akari; Unoki, Masashi |
Nov-2007 | Idea-Marathon System (IMS) Supporting a Creative Infrastructure for Group Activity | Higuchi, Takeo |
1-Nov-2011 | Ideal Secret Sharing Schemes with Share Selectability | Emura, Keita; Miyaji, Atsuko; Nomura, Akito; Rahman, Mohammad Shahriar; Soshi, Masakazu |
26-Oct-2019 | Ideationにおけるプロトタイピングに関する一考察 | 渡壁, 祐; 野城, 智也 |
9-Oct-2010 | Identification and Comparison of Innovation Patterns of Firms in Four Service Industries by Analyzing Patents | Lee, Hyejin; Miyazaki, Kumiko; Lee, Yeonhee |
1-Nov-2000 | Identification of Si and SiH in catalytic chemical vapor deposition of SiH_4 by laser induced fluorescence spectroscopy | Nozaki, Yoshitaka; Kongo, Koichi; Miyazaki, Toshihiko; Kitazoe, Makiko; Horii, Katsuhiko; Umemoto, Hironobu; Masuda, Atsushi; Matsumura, Hideki |
1-Nov-1999 | Identification of the Optimal R&D Investment Trajectory : Theoretical Analysis and Empirical Demonstration | 朱, 兵; 渡辺, 千仭 |
20-Mar-2016 | Identifying an Agent's Preferences Toward Similarity Measures in Description Logics | Racharak, Teeradaj; Suntisrivaraporn, Boontawee; Tojo, Satoshi |
30-Oct-2021 | Identifying Applications Emerging from the Knowledge Convergence of Big Data and Broadcasting : The Case NHK and BBC | Miyazaki, Kumiko; Ruiz-Navas, Santiago |
Sep-2021 | Identifying behavioral intentions towards online food delivery service among young consumers | 張, 乃方; ちょう, だいほう |
12-Apr-2017 | Identifying Context-dependent Modes of Reading | Fuyama, Miho; Hidaka, Shohei |
27-Oct-2012 | Identifying Innovation in Korean Mobile Business Solution Services | Hong, Seunghye; Miyazaki, Kumiko |
2012 | Identifying Kinematic Cues for Action Style Recognition | Hidaka, Shohei |