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検索結果: 2317-2337 / 18390.
発行日 | タイトル |
著者 |
2012 | Identifying Kinematic Cues for Action Style Recognition | Hidaka, Shohei |
Sep-2024 | Identifying Underlying Logic of Fallacious Arguments via Structured Templates | Irfan, Robbani; いるふぁん, ろっばに |
2012 | Identity Tracking of a Disease as a Causal Chain | Kozaki, Kouji; Mizoguchi, Riichiro; Imai, Takeshi; Ohe, Kazuhiko |
6-Jul-2007 | IECを用いた素片接続コストの重み係数推定 | 平井, 啓之; 小谷, 一孔; 党, 建武; ヒライ, ヒロユキ; コタニ, カズノリ; トウ, タケシ |
24-Oct-2009 | IEEEにおいて特徴的な推移を示す国々の分析 | 野村, 稔; 白川, 展之; 奥和田, 久美 |
Mar-2012 | III-V族化合物半導体デバイスプロセスにおけるAlN絶縁膜の応用に関する研究 | 工藤, 昌宏; くどう, まさひろ |
Sep-2002 | III-V族希薄磁性半導体(Ga,Mn)Nの物性の研究 | 佐々木, 敬彦; ささき, たかひこ |
2012 | Illusory reversal of causality between touch and vision has no effect on prism adaptation rate | Tanaka, Hirokazu; Homma, Kazuhiro; Imamizu, Hiroshi |
Mar-2021 | Image Preference Estimation with Word Embedding Model and Convolutional Neural Network | 万, 樺; わん, しらかば |
Feb-2000 | Images of cleaved GaAs(110) surfaces observed with a reflection optical second harmonic microscope | Sano, H; Shimizu, T; Mizutani, G; Ushioda, S |
24-Oct-2002 | IMD による World Competitiveness 指標の分析 : 科学技術分野 | 丹羽, 冨士雄 |
24-Oct-2002 | IMD 科学技術 World Competitiveness の時系列分析 | 丹羽, 冨士雄; 桑原, 輝隆 |
24-Jan-2020 | Imidazolium‐Functionalized Fluorene‐Based Anion Exchange Membrane (AEM) for Fuel Cell Applications | Salma, Umme; Zhang, Dishen; Nagao, Yuki |
20-Oct-2020 | Imitating Agents in A Complex Environment by Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning | Li, Wanxiang; Hsueh, Chu-Hsuan; Ikeda, Kokolo |
Mar-2021 | Imitating Players in A Complex Environment by Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning | 李, 万翔; り,ばんしょう |
31-Jul-2009 | Imitation Learning of Humanoid Locomotion Using the Direction of the Landing Foot | Yang, Woosung; Chong, Nak Young |
Mar-2013 | Imitation Learning under POMDP in Assistive Kitchen System | プラタマ, フェルディアン アディ; ぷらたま, ふぇるでぃあん あでぃ |
12-Jul-2009 | Immobilization of aromatic aldehyde molecules on indium tin oxide surface using acetalization reaction | Nakayama, Tomohiro; Matsushima, Toshinori; Murata, Hideyuki |
Mar-2016 | Impact Analysis of Microfinance on Women Empowerment and Poverty Alleviation: A Case Study of MFIs in Gujranwala & Lahore Districts of Pakistan | JAMAL, Nagina |
Dec-2016 | Impact Investigation of Source Correlation on IDMA-based Multi-User Detection | 薛, 嘉杰; せつ, かけつ |
Sep-2021 | The impact of corporate social responsibility activities on brand preference in the mobile phone industry | ZHONG, MENGYING; ちょう, むえい |