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検索結果: 666-686 / 18376.
発行日 | タイトル |
著者 |
20-Jul-2021 | Catalytic Oxidation of Methane to Methanol over Cu-CHA with Molecular Oxygen | Hirayama, Airi; Tsuchimura, Yuka; Yoshida, Hiroshi; Machida, Masato; Nishimura, Shun; Kato, Kazuo; Takahashi, Keisuke; Ohyama, Junya |
4-Jul-2017 | Catalytic phosphorus and boron doping of amorphous silicon films for application to silicon heterojunction solar cells | Ohdaira, Keisuke; Seto, Junichi; Matsumura, Hideki |
24-Jul-2012 | Catalytic Transformations of Biomass-derived Materials into Value-added Chemicals | Takagaki, Atsushi; Nishimura, Shun; Ebitani, Kohki |
Dec-2007 | Catching Up of Latecomer Firms in the Emerging Market: A Coevolutionary Approach | 陳, 德釗; ちぇん, だ ちゃお |
30-Oct-2014 | Categorical characterizations of the natural numbers require primitive recursion | Kolodziejczyk, Leszek Aleksander; Yokoyama, Keita |
Mar-2013 | A Categorical Description of Relativization | 吉村, 和人; よしむら, かずと |
9-May-1998 | Categorical foundations of modularisation for multi-paradigm | Diaconescu, Razvan; Stefaneas, Petros |
Mar-2016 | Caterpillar Graphにおける独立点集合遷移問題についての研究 | 山田, 武; やまだ, たけし |
Mar-2002 | CATV網における双方向サービスの研究 | 山野, 智久; やまの, ともひさ |
Mar-2001 | CdZnTeの光第二高調波分光 | 山岸, 昭之; やまぎし, あきゆき |
Mar-1999 | Ce - Cu - (Si, Ge) 三元系化合物の試料作製と磁性 | 芝井, 宣文; しばい, よしふみ |
Mar-1996 | Ce, Pr, Ni 置換鉄ガーネット薄膜のエピタキシャル成長と磁気光学効果 | 豊島, 洋 |
Mar-2000 | Ce-Cu-(Si,Ge)系化合物の結晶構造と磁性 | 萩生田, 太一; はぎうだ, たいち |
Mar-2000 | Ce1-xHfxO2およびZr1-xHfxW2O8の熱力学的性質 | 中島, 典行; なかじま, のりゆき |
Aug-2013 | Cell-Paths in Mono- and Bichromatic Line Arrangements in the Plane | Aichholzer, Oswin; Cardinal, Jean; Hackl, Thomas; Hurtado, Ferran; Korman, Matias; Pilz, Alexander; Silveira, Rodrigo I.; Uehara, Ryuhei; Vogtenhuber, Birgit; Welzl, Emo |
2014 | Cell-Paths in Mono- and Bichromatic Line Arrangements in the Plane | Aichholzer, Oswin; Cardinal, Jean; Hackl, Thomas; Hurtado, Ferran; Korman, Matias; Pilz, Alexander; Silveira, Rodrigo; Uehara, Ryuhei; Valtr, Pavl; Birgit Vogtenhuber; Emo Welzl |
21-Jan-2007 | Cellular Recognition of Functionalized with Folic acid Nanoparticles | Taira, Shu; Hatanaka, Takahiro; Moritake, Shinji; Kai, Yukino; Ichiyanagi, Yuko; Setou, Mitsutoshi |
Mar-2009 | Cellプロセッサ用プログラム検証法 | レ, ディンスアン; れ, でぃんすあん |
Mar-1999 | CeNi . CePt 化合物の輸送現象 | 植田, 将志; うえだ, しょうじ |
2015 | CEO problem based analysis of D2D cooperative user pairing | He, Xin; Juntti, Markku; Zhou, Xiaobo; Komulainen, Petri; Matsumoto, Tad |
5-Nov-2016 | CEO特性が創業からIPOまでの期間に与える影響 (CEO Characteristics and Time-To-IPO in Japanese Industry in 2015) | 旭井, 亮一 |