発行日 | タイトル |
著者 |
Mar-2015 | A new Interconnection Network that achieves High Performance for Many-Core Processors | FAISAL, FAIZ AL |
23-Apr-1999 | New interconnections for for massively parallel and distributed systems | Horiguchi, Susumu |
Mar-2021 | A new interpolation algorithm for controlling emotional changes in emotional speech synthesis | 蔡, 晨禹; さい, しんう |
12-Aug-2015 | New Linear Correlations Related to State Information of RC4 PRGA Using IV in WPA | Ito, Ryoma; Miyaji, Atsuko |
Nov-2007 | A New Linguistic Approach to Go/NoGo Evaluation at the Front End in New Product Development | Huynh, Van-Nam; Nakamori, Yoshiteru; Nakamori, Yoshiteru; Wang, Zhongtuo; Gu, Jifa; Ma, Tieju |
Jul-2012 | A new marketing methodology by integrating brain measurement, eye tracking, and questionnaire analysis | Suzuki, Yoshihiko; Shirahada, Kunio; Kosaka, Michitaka; Maki, Atsushi |
2-Aug-2001 | A new network interface with distributed memory | Okuno, Hiroyuki; Inoguchi, Yasushi; Horiguchi, Susumu |
Sep-2003 | A New Nonblocking Optical Switching System for All-Optical Communication Networks | Md.Mamun-ur-Rashid, Khandker |
27-Oct-1990 | New Oppotunities in the Changing R&D : Environment of Japan | Speidel, Stefan |
19-Jul-2011 | A New Practical Key Recovery Attack on the Stream Cipher RC4 under Related-Key Model | Chen, Jiageng; Miyaji, Atsuko |
1-Feb-2020 | New Pseudo-Random Number Generator for EPC Gen2 | Nomaguchi, Hiroshi; Su, Chunhua; Miyaji, Atsuko |
15-May-1998 | A new resonance of the surface SHG from GaAs(001) in air | Tanaka, Hideki; Mizutani, Goro; Ushioda, Sukekatsu |
2016 | A New RSS-based Wireless Geolocation Technique Utilizing Joint Voronoi and Factor Graph | Aziz, Muhammad Reza Kahar; Lim, Yuto; Matsumoto, Tad |
26-Sep-1997 | New Score法による複数研究テーマ評価 | 村上, 路一; 大澤, 良隆; 有国, 孝憲 |
1-Aug-2012 | New Source of Global Governance Supported by Technology : Comparative Analysis of the Adoption Process of the “Sectoral Approach”in the Global Iron and Steel Industry and Cement Industry | Honda, Kiyoyuki; Ikawa, Yasuo |
1-May-2000 | A new statistical skew model used for clock period optimization of H-free | Jiang, X. H.; Horiguchi, S. |
19-Apr-2002 | A new text representation method using fuzzy concepts in text categorization | Doan, Son; Horiguchi, Susumu |
2015 | A new wireless geolocation technique using joint RSS-based voronoi and factor graph | Aziz, Muhammad Reza Kahar; Lim, Yuto; Matsumoto, Tad |
10-Mar-2021 | NewsFab : スケルトンを用いた新聞紙造形支援 | 有原, 啓介; 中島, 健斗; Li, Sicheng; 吉田, 匠吾; 彭, 以琛; 謝, 浩然; 佐藤, 俊樹; 宮田, 一乘 |
Mar-2005 | Ni/Ptゲートを用いたAlGaN/GaNヘテロ接合電界効果トランジスタの作製と評価 | 針多, 崇行; はりた, たかゆき |
Mar-2018 | NIRSデータの機械学習による印象分類器の開発とその応用 | 竹内, 広樹; たけうち, ひろき |