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検索結果: 754-774 / 18375.

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発行日タイトル 著者
11-Aug-2000 Clock distribution for TESH connected multi-processor systemJiang, X. H.; Horiguchi, S.
28-Jan-2000 Clock skew yield estimate of well-balanced H-treeJiang, X. H.; Horiguchi, S.
Aug-2012 Clonezillaを用いたPC複製二ツ寺, 政友
Nov-2005 Close Inter-firm Relationships in the Open Network Systems that maintain Competition and CooperationINOUE, Tatsuhiko; Jifa, Gu; Gerhard, Chroust
Aug-2003 Closure operators and complete embeddings of residuated latticesOno, Hiroakira
Sep-2020 Cloud Deployment Support for Cybersecurity TrainingZHANG, ZHE; ちょう, てつ
29-Aug-2017 Cloud-based Solution for Connecting Multiple Home Networks using universAAL Space GatewayPham, Van Cu; Lim, Yuto; Tan, Yasuo
Mar-2008 CMOS動作をする三値メモリシステムの実現とその設計体系の研究塩田, 達彦; しおた, たつひこ
Mar-2021 CNN の学習専用ハードウェア実装のための量子化ビット数最適化手法の検討多田, 大希; ただ, ひろき
Oct-2003 Co distribution in ferromagnetic rutile Co-doped TiO_2 thin films grown by laser ablation on silicon substratesNguyen, Hoa Hong; Sakai, Joe; Prellier, W.; Hassini, Awatef
Mar-2014 Co(II)ポルフィリン交互吸着膜の構築と燃料電池カソード触媒能評価大山, 隆宏; おおやま, たかひろ
Sep-2014 Co-creation of Non-economic Values in Islamic Banking Service: A Case Study Research in PakistanJaved, Amna
21-Oct-2006 Co-evolution between Software Innovation and Institutions : Empirical Analysis of China's Software Development趙, 偉琳; 渡辺, 千仭
22-Oct-2005 Co-evolution Dynamism between Inter-firm Technology Spillover and Resilient Institution in China's ICT Development姚, 学寧; 渡辺, 千仭
27-Oct-2007 Co-evolutionary Dynamism between Innovation and Institutional Systems in the BRICs(English Session)Yao, Xuening; Watanabe, Chihiro
21-Oct-2006 Co-evolutionary Dynamism between Japan and China in Software Outsourcing趙, 偉琳; 渡辺, 千仭
21-Oct-2006 The Co-evolutionary Mechanism Between Handset Vendors and Telecommunication Service Operators in Japan陳, 昭蓉; 渡辺, 千仭
Mar-2000 Co-Sb系化合物の低温熱電特性佐藤, 雅之; さとう, まさゆき
Nov-2005 Co-Training of Conditional Random Fields for Segmenting Sequence DataXuan-Hieu, Phan; Le-Minh, Nguyen; Inoguchi, Yasushi; Jifa, Gu; Gerhard, Chroust
2010 Co-Z Addition Formulæ and Binary Ladders on Elliptic CurvesGoundar, Raveen Ravinesh; Joye, Marc; Miyaji, Atsuko
Mar-2011 CO2の有効利用に向けたZn-ハイドロタルサイト触媒による環状カーボネート合成反応小松, 洋介; こまつ, ようすけ
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