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検索結果: 3429-3449 / 18390.

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発行日タイトル 著者
23-Aug-2012 Network Coding-aware MAC for Throughput Optimization in Wireless Multihop NetworksLu, Pixian; Wang, Xin; Tan, Yasuo; Lim, Azman Osman; 陸 , 丕顕; 王 , 新; 丹 , 康雄; リム , アズマンオスマン
Sep-2013 Network Coding-Aware MAC for Throughput Optimization in Wireless Multihop Networks陸, 丕顕; リク, ヒケン
8-Jun-1998 Network performances of TESH:a new hierarchical interconnection network for 3-D integrationHoriguchi, Susumu; Ooki, Takayuki; Jain, Vijay
Nov-2005 Network Structures in a Society Composed of Individuals with Utilities Depending on Their ReputationHayashida, Tomohiro; Nishizaki, Ichiro; Katagiri, Hideki; Jifa, Gu; Gerhard, Chroust
Nov-2005 Network Structures in a Society Composed of Individuals with Utilities DependingStudy of Object-Oriented Model for the Knowledge Base SystemMingwei, Zhao; Yanzhong, Dang; Jifa, Gu; Gerhard, Chroust
Nov-2005 A Network System for Knowledge Sharing in Learning OrganizationHongtao, Ren; Nakamori, Yoshiteru; Jifa, Gu; Gerhard, Chroust
2013 Networking Humans, Robots, and Environments: Self-Configurable Mobile Robot Swarms: Adaptive Triangular Mesh GenerationLee, Geunho; Chong, Nak Young
9-Jan-2019 Neural Evidence of the Cerebellum as a State PredictorTanaka, Hirokazu; Ishikawa, Takahiro; Kakei, Shinji
Mar-2012 Neural Expression and Splicing Regulation of Fox proteins in P19 cellsNOR HAKIMAH, AB HAKIM
21-Jul-1997 Neuronal cell model with the synaptic interaction, Part 1: neuronal cell modeling and the analysis of single input/output propertiesSano, Akira
12-Dec-2014 A New (n, n) Blockcipher Hash Function Using Feistel Network: Apposite for RFID SecurityMiyaji, Atsuko; Rashed, Mazumder
Sep-2014 A new (n,n) Blockcipher based Hash Function for Short MessagesMiyaji, Atsuko; Rashed, Mazumder; Sawada, Tsuyoshi
18-Feb-2019 A new ab initio modeling scheme for the ion self-diffusion coefficient applied to the ε-Cu_3Sn phase of the Cu–Sn alloyIchibha, Tom; Prayogo, Genki; Hongo, Kenta; Maezono, Ryo
1-Jun-2010 New Analysis Based on Correlations of RC4 PRGA with Nonzero-Bit DifferencesMIYAJI, Atsuko; SUKEGAWA, Masahiro
Jul-2014 A New and Formalized Proof of Abstract CompletionHirokawa, Nao; Middeldorp, Aart; Sternagel, Christian
2004 A new approach to belief modelingHuynh, V.N.; Nakamori, Y.; Murai, T.; Ho, T.B.
2009 A New Approach to Graph Recognition and Applications to Distance-Hereditary GraphsNakano, Shin-ichi; Uehara, Ryuhei; Uno, Takeaki
Mar-2009 A New Approach to Latent Semantic Indexing: Singular Value Decomposition on ClustersZHANG, Wen; ちゃん, うぇん
Sep-1997 A New Approach to Temporal Decomposition of Speech and its Application to Low-Bit-Rate Speech CodingAthaudage, Chandranath Rasantha Nandasena
Jun-2001 A New Approximation Algorithm for the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem on a TreeAsano, Tetsuo; Katoh, Naoki; Kawashima, Kazuhiro
2010 A New Class of RC4 Colliding Key Pairs With Greater Hamming DistanceChen, Jiageng; Miyaji, Atsuko
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