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検索結果: 1207-1227 / 18390.

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発行日タイトル 著者
Mar-2018 Detecting local grouping boundaries of music pieces based on deep learning techniqueNguyen, Dinh Nghi; ぐえん, でぃん ぎ
1-Jan-2000 Detecting Switch Dynamics in Chaotic Time-Waveform using a Parametrized Family of Nonlinear PredictorsTokuda, Isao; Tokunaga, Ryuji; Matsumoto, Takashi
Nov-2005 Detecting Terrorist Activity Patterns Using Investigative Data Mining ToolNasrullah, Memon; Jifa, Gu; Gerhard, Chroust
Sep-2016 Detection and classification of the Acute Myeloid Leukemia cells in the images of white blood cellsTran, Van Nhan; ちゃん, ゔぁん にゃん
Dec-2024 Detection and labeling of bad moves for coaching Chinese chess周, 博堯; じょ, はくぎょう
Sep-2016 Detection and Labeling of Bad Moves for Coaching GoIkeda, Kokolo; Viennot, Simon; Sato, Naoyuki
5-Oct-2023 Detection of Surface Modification of Polyimide Containing Steroidal Structure as a Function of Storage Time Using Second-Order Nonlinear Optical SpectroscopyNguyen, Trinh Thi; Du, Wentao; Khuat, Hien Thi Thu; Mizutani, Goro
14-May-2014 Detection of Unusual Human Activities Based on Behavior ModelingHiraishi, Kunihiko; Kobayashi, Koichi
23-Feb-2009 Determination of trace amounts of sodium and lithium in zirconium dioxide (ZrO_2) using liquid electrode plasma optical emission spectrometryBanno, Michiko; Tamiya, Eiichi; Takamura, Yuzuru
Sep-2012 Deterministic Byzantine Time Synchronization in Mobile Wireless Sensor NetworksAriyasuk, Kittikorn
25-Jul-2012 Deterministic finite automata representation for model predictive control of hybrid systemsKobayashi, Koichi; Imura, Jun-ichi
27-Oct-2007 Developing a Model for Nanotechnology Knowledge Co-creation(English Session)ISLAM, Nazrul; MIYAZAKI, Kumiko
15-Oct-2004 Developing Knowledge Management System in Academia : A Survey-based Study in Research UniversityTIAN, Jing; 小林, 俊哉; 中森, 義輝
6-Aug-2016 Developing Pokemon AI For Finding Comfortable SettingsPanumate, Chetprayoon; Iida, Hiroyuki
16-Nov-2018 Development and Characterization of a Poly Vinyl Alcohol)/Graphene Oxide Composite Hydrogel as An Artificial Cartilage MaterialZhao, Yibo; Terai, Wataru; Hoshijima, Yuko; Gotoh, Kazuma; Matsuura, Koji; Matsumura, Kazuaki
Nov-2007 Development and Practice of Programming Learning Course Management System with Version Control SoftwareMiura, Motoki; Kunifuji, Susumu
1-Nov-2010 Development of a 2D communication sensor network using a single carrier frequency for both power and data transmissionZhang, Bing; Oota, Toshifumi; Lim, Azman Osman; Kado, Youiti
Nov-2005 Development of a Human-like e-Learning System for Students' Active LearningYOSHIDA, Kenji; MIYAZAKI, Koji; IWAMOTO, Akira; NAKAGAMI, Kayoko; Rong, Ma; NAKAYAMA, Hirotaka; Jifa, Gu; Gerhard, Chroust
Mar-2024 Development of a method for the conformational analysis of carbohydrates using ion mobility spectrometry豊, 昊; ほう, こう
25-Jul-2013 Development of a novel vitrification method for chondrocyte sheetsMaehara, Miki; Sato, Masato; Watanabe, Masahito; Matsunari, Hitomi; Kokubo, Mami; Kanai, Takahiro; Sato, Michio; Matsumura, Kazuaki; Hyon, Suong-Hyu; Yokoyama, Munetaka; Mochida, Joji; Nagashima, Hiroshi
2015 Development of a smart community simulator with individual emulation modules for community facilities and housesMakino, Yoshiki; Fujita, Hiroshi; Lim, Yuto; Tan, Yasuo
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