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検索結果: 2370-2390 / 18390.

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発行日タイトル 著者
13-Jan-2024 Improvement of Move Naturalness for Playing Good-Quality Games with Middle-Level PlayersHsueh, Chu-Hsuan; Ikeda, Kokolo
Mar-2005 Improvement of Reno's Performance using Conversion Technique into HighSpeed TCP磯垣, 順; いそがき, じゅん
18-Jan-2017 Improvement of rigidity for rubber-toughened polypropylene via localization of carbon nanotubesWiwattananukul, Rujirek; Fan, Bowen; Yamaguchi, Masayuki
10-Jul-2009 Improvement of stability for organic solar cells by using molybdenum trioxide buffer layerKanai, Yoshihiro; Matsushima, Toshinori; Murata, Hideyuki
Sep-2011 Improvement of surface passivation layers for crystalline silicon solar cellsTrinh, Cham Thi; ちん, てぃ ちゃむ
1-Jul-2007 Improvement of the robustness on geographical networks by adding shortcutsHayashi, Yukio; Matsukubo, Jun
9-Aug-2010 Improving accuracy of host load predictions on computational grids by artificial neural networksDuy, Truong Vinh Truong; Sato, Yukinori; Inoguchi, Yasushi
18-Feb-2015 Improving crystalline quality of polycrystalline silicon thin films crystallized on yttria-stabilized zirconia crystallization-induction layers by the two-step irradiation method of pulsed laser annealingMai, Thi Kieu Lien; Horita, Susumu
Dec-2006 Improving discriminative sequential learning by discovering important association of statisticsPhan, Xuan-Hieu; Nguyen, Le-Minh; Inoguchi, Yasushi; Ho, Tu-Bao; Horiguchi, Susumu
20-Feb-2009 Improving effectiveness of mutual information for substantival multiword expression extractionZhang, Wen; Yoshida, Taketoshi; Tang, Xijin; Ho, Tu Bao
20-Dec-2020 Improving Human Players’ T-Spin Skills in Tetris with Procedural Problem GenerationOikawa, Taishi; Hsueh, Chu-Hsuan; Ikeda, Kokolo
2014 Improving Impossible Differential Cryptanalysis with Concrete Investigation of Key Scheduling Algorithm and Its Application to LblockChen, Jiageng; Futa, Yuichi; Miyaji, Atsuko; Su, Chunhua
3-Apr-2019 Improving multilingual speech emotion recognition by combining acoustic features in a three-layer modelLi, Xingfeng; Akagi, Masato
1-Nov-2013 Improving Naturalness of HMM-Based TTS Trained with Limited Data by Temporal DecompositionPHUNG, Trung-Nghia; PHAN, Thanh-Son; VU, Thang Tat; LUONG, Mai Chi; AKAGI, Masato
4-Mar-2008 Improving Phrase-based Machine Translation using Splitting Clause and Phrase ReorderingNguyen, Vinh Van
Mar-2009 Improving Phrase-based Statistical Machine Translation Using Clause Splitting and Reordering ModelsVinh, Van Nguyen
Sep-2023 Improving Robustness of Pre-trained Language Models by Counterfactual ExplanationsLUU, Linh Hoai; るう, りん ほあい
2014 Improving speech emotion dimensions estimation using a three-layer model of human perceptionElbarougy, Reda; Akagi, Masato
Feb-2023 Improving the Human-Likeness of Game AI’s Moves by Combining Multiple Prediction ModelsOgawa, Tatsuyoshi; Hsueh, Chu-Hsuan; Ikeda, Kokolo
6-Nov-2020 Improving Valence Prediction in Dimensional Speech Emotion Recognition Using Linguistic InformationAtmaja, Bagus Tris; Akagi, Masato
1-Jul-2006 Impurity Diffusion in InGaAs Esaki Tunnel Diodes of Varied Defect DensitiesONO, Hideki; TANIGUCHI, Satoshi; SUZUKI, Toshi-kazu
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