JAIST Repository >
一覧: タイトル
検索結果: 3941-3961 / 18390.
発行日 | タイトル |
著者 |
Mar-1997 | Polycondensation of Optically Active Spirane Derivatives | 馬場, 雅樹 |
Apr-2010 | Polycrystalline Si films with unique microstructures formed from amorphous Si films by non-thermal equilibrium flash lamp annealing | Ohdaira, Keisuke; Nishikawa, Takuya; Shiba, Kazuhiro; Takemoto, Hiroyuki; Matsumura, Hideki |
1-Jan-2012 | Polycrystalline Silicon Films with Nanometer-Sized Dense Fine Grains Formed by Flash-Lamp-Induced Crystallization | Ohdaira, Keisuke; Ishii, Shohei; Tomura, Naohito; Matsumura, Hideki |
Sep-2021 | Polyethylene glycol (PEG) based Zwitterionic Polymers assisted Protein Aggregation Arrest and Refolding | Debas, Alisha; でばす, ありしゃ |
5-Jul-2022 | Polyethylene-glycol-modified Zwitterionic Polymers assisted Protein Aggregation Arrest and Refolding | Debas, Alisha; Matsumura, Kazuaki; Rajan, Robin |
2005 | Polyline Fitting of Planar Points Under Min-sum Criteria | Aronov, Boris; Asano, Tetsuo; Katoh, Naoki; Mehlhorn, Kurt; Tokuyama, Takeshi |
Jun-2006 | Polyline fitting of planar points under min-sum criteria | Aronov, Boris; Asano, Tetsuo; Katoh, Naoki; Mehlhorn, Kurt; Tokuyama, Takeshi |
2002 | Polymer gels as soft and wet chemomechanical systems an approach to artificial muscles | Kaneko, Daisaku; Gong, Jian Ping; Osada, Yoshihito |
2004 | Polynomial Interpretations with Negative Coefficients | Hirokawa, Nao; Middeldorp, Aart |
5-Dec-2002 | A Polynomial Time Algorithm for a Just-In-Time Scheduling Problem with Periodic Time Slots | Hiraishi, Kunihiko |
8-Jul-2010 | Polynomial-Time Algorithm for Controllability Test of a Class of Boolean Biological Networks | Kobayashi, Koichi; Imura, Jun-ichi; Hiraishi, Kunihiko |
15-Dec-2014 | Polynomial-Time Algorithm for Sliding Tokens on Trees | Demaine, Erik D.; Demaine, Martin; Fox-Epstein, Eli; Hoang, Duc A.; Ito, Takehiro; Ono, Hirotaka; Otachi, Yota; Uehara, Ryuhei; Yamada, Takeshi |
23-Feb-2016 | Polynomial-time algorithms for Subgraph Isomorphism in small graph classes of perfect graphs | Konagaya, Matsuo; Otachi, Yota; Uehara, Ryuhei |
Jan-2016 | A polynomial-time approximation scheme for the geometric unique coverage problem on unit squares | Ito, Takehiro; Nakano, Shin-ichi; Okamoto, Yoshio; Otachi, Yota; Uehara, Ryuhei; Uno, Takeaki; Uno, Yushi |
Sep-2014 | POND: A Novel Protocol for Network Coding based on Hybrid Cryptographic Scheme | Huang, Cheng-Qiang; Miyaji, Atsuko; Li, Long-Hai; Xu, Shang-Mei |
15-Jul-2006 | Popie:フローメニューに基づく日本語入力手法 | 佐藤, 大介; 志築, 文太郎; 三浦, 元喜; 田中, 二郎; SATO, DAISUKE; SHIZUKI, BUNTAROU; MIURA, MOTOKI; TANAKA, JIRO |
1-Jan-2007 | Porphyrin-Based Molecular Architectures for Light Energy Conversion | Hasobe, Taku; Murata, Hideyuki; Fukuzumi, Shunichi; Kamat, Prashant V. |
21-Nov-2019 | Position Control and Production of Various Strategies for Deep Learning Go Programs | Fan, Tianwen; Shi, Yuan; Li, Wanxiang; Ikeda, Kokolo |
Mar-2021 | Position Control and Production of Various Strategies for Game of Go Using Deep Learning Methods | SHI, YUAN; FAN, TIANWEN; LI, WANXIANG; HSUEH, CHU-HSUAN; IKEDA, KOKOLO |
Sep-2022 | POSIX準拠OSのスケジューラを対象とした網羅的テスト手法に関する研究 | 長谷川, 央; はせがわ, あきら |
13-Dec-2006 | Possible collaborative "domain" projects | Bjorner, Dines |