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一覧: タイトル
検索結果: 5085-5105 / 18390.
発行日 | タイトル |
著者 |
Nov-2005 | System Dynamics Market Model with Aspects of Economic Policy | Stanislava, Mildeova; Ingeborg, Nemcova; Jifa, Gu; Gerhard, Chroust |
Apr-2014 | System scenarios and technical requirements | Anwar, Khoirul; Khalife, Hicham; Komulainen, Petri; Ma, Yi; Mariani, Filippo; Matsumoto, Tad; Matthé, Maximilian; Natkaniec, Marek; Szott, Szymon; Wszolek, Jacek; Yi, Na; Zhou, Xiaobo; Editor: Petri Komulainen |
Nov-2005 | System Science and the Cybersemiotic Model of Communication | Søren, Brier; Jifa, Gu; Gerhard, Chroust |
Sep-2006 | System-level performance evaluation of MMSE MIMO turbo equalization techniques using measurement data | Sarestoniemi, Mariella; Matsumoto, Tad; Schneider, Christian; Thoma, Reiner |
Aug-2002 | System-Level Performance Evaluations of Spatio-Temporal Equalizers Using Two-Dimensional Channel Sounding Field Measurement Data | Matsumoto, Tad; Yamada, Takefumi; Tomisato, Shigeru |
9-Apr-2014 | Systematic study of electronic and magnetic properties for Cu_<12-x> TM_xSb_4S_<13> (TM = Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, and Zn) tetrahedrite | Suekuni, K.; Tomizawa, Y.; Ozaki, T.; Koyano, M. |
Nov-2005 | Systemic Epistemology : A synthetic view for the systems Sciences Foundations | Maria, Mercedes Clusella; Maria, Eugenia Ortiz; Pedro, Antonio Luna; Jifa, Gu; Gerhard, Chroust |
Nov-2005 | Systems for Integrating and Creating Knowledge | Nakamori, Yoshiteru; Andrzej, P. Wierzbicki; Jifa, Gu; Gerhard, Chroust |
2014 | Systems Intelligence in Knowledge Management Implementation: A Momentum of the SECI Model | Sasaki, Yasuo |
Nov-2007 | Systems Science and Traditional Chinese Medicine | Gu, Jifa; Liu, Yijun; Song, Wuqi; Zhu, Zhengyang; Nakamori, Yoshiteru; Wang, Zhongtuo; Gu, Jifa; Ma, Tieju |
1-May-2001 | A Systolic Array RLS Processor | ASAI, Takahiro; MATSUMOTO, Tadashi |
May-2000 | A Systolic Array RLS Processor | Asai, T.; Matsumoto, T. |
Mar-1999 | S終端したGaAs上へのGeエピタキシャル成長 | 藤島, 達也; ふじしま, たつや |
2-Jul-2011 | T-Robust Scalable Group Key Exchange Protocol with O(logn) Complexity | Hatano, Tetsuya; Miyaji, Atsuko; Sato, Takashi |
Mar-2002 | tableau法に基づく定理自動証明システムの構築 | 杉江, 建輔; すぎえ, けんすけ |
2011 | TableCross: Exuding a Shared Space into Personal Spaces to Encourage Its Voluntary Maintenance | Nishimoto, Kazushi; Ikenoue, Akari; Shimizu, Koji; Tajima, Tomonori; Tanaka, Yuta; Baba, Yutaka; Wang, Xihong |
Mar-2011 | TableCross:共有空間の滲出による共有空間の主体的維持管理促進の試み | 池之上, あかり; 清水, 浩二; 田島, 智宣; 田中, 唯太; 馬場, 裕; 王, 曦虹; 西本, 一志; Ikenoue, Akari; Shimazu, Koji; Tajima, Tomonori; Tanaka, Yuta; Baba, Yutaka; Wang, Xihong; Nishimoto, Kazushi |
31-Jul-2012 | Tacit Knowledge Transfer through Co-activation : A Case Study of Design and Support by an Electronics Manufacturing Service Firm | Segawa, Yoshihisa; Ikawa, Yasuo |
8-Sep-2014 | Tailored Design of Palladium Species Grafted on Amino Functionalized Organozinc Coordination Polymer as Highly-Pertinent Heterogeneous Catalyst | Choudhary, Hemant; Nishimura, Shun; Ebitani, Kohki |
22-Oct-2005 | TAMA実証分析結果とクラスター関連理論との関係((ホットイシュー) 地方公設試験場, 公立大学の法人化と地域イノベーション政策 (1), 第20回年次学術大会講演要旨集I) | 児玉, 俊洋 |