JAIST Repository >
一覧: タイトル
検索結果: 2241-2261 / 18390.
発行日 | タイトル |
著者 |
Nov-2007 | How Knowledge Science is Studied : a vision from the KSS’2006 | TANG, Xijin; WANG, Zheng; Nakamori, Yoshiteru; Wang, Zhongtuo; Gu, Jifa; Ma, Tieju |
2009 | How library practitioners view knowledge management in libraries: A qualitative study | Roknuzzaman, Md.; Umemoto, Katsuhiro |
18-Oct-2014 | How Startups Explore and Exploit Dynamic Instant Innovation (DII) for New Product Introductions from Experiment to Implementing | FUKUSHIMA, Masayoshi; FUJITA, Miyuki; OKANO, Yasuhiro; TAKAYAMA, Makoto |
Nov-2005 | How System Models Contributes to the Design of Information Systems | Susana, I. Herrera; Maria, M. Clusella; Gregorio, N. Tkachuk; Pedro, A. Luna; Jifa, Gu; Gerhard, Chroust |
25-Jun-2015 | How TKIP Induces Biases of Internal States of Generic RC4 | Ito, Ryoma; Miyaji, Atsuko |
2001 | How to Color a Checkerboard with a Given Distribution : Matrix Rounding Achieving Low 2×2-Discrepancy | Asano, Tetsuo; Tokuyama, Takeshi |
Nov-2005 | How to Create Holistic Standardization of Business Decision-Making in Production Management | Vojko, POTOCAN; Jifa, Gu; Gerhard, Chroust |
2012 | How to Enhance the Security on the Least Significant Bit | Miyaji, Atsuko; Mo, Yiren |
12-Oct-2011 | How to Find Short RC4 Colliding Key Pairs | Chen, Jiageng; Miyaji, Atsuko |
Mar-2003 | HPSG を用いた楽曲の和声解析 | 西田, 昌史; にしだ, まさふみ |
Mar-2002 | HPSGによるユークリッド『原論』の構文木の作成 | 仙田, 圭介; せんだ, けいすけ |
Mar-2003 | HPSGを用いた古典ギリシア語文法の拡張 | 中嶋, 健一郎; なかじま, けんいちろう |
Mar-2010 | HPSGパーサを用いた格による曖昧性解決の考察 | 池田, 将之; いけだ, まさゆき |
28-May-1996 | HR-crossed cube interconnection and WSI implementation | Horiguchi, Susumu; Konuki, Masayuki; 堀口, 進; 小貫, 昌幸; ホリグチ, ススム; コヌキ, マサユキ |
10-Oct-2015 | HRテクノロジーの経営への活用 : サービス業における従業員満足度調査結果のビッグデータ分析 | 岩本, 隆; 萩原, 隆史 |
19-Feb-2018 | An HTIP L2 agent solution for network equipment using openflow | SIOUTIS, Marios; LIM, Yuto; TAN, Yasuo |
Mar-1998 | HTML 文書のカテゴリ階層への自動割り当て | 片山, 研一; かたやま, けんいち |
Mar-2004 | HTMLタグの繰り返しパターンに注目した知識の自動獲得 | 新里, 圭司; しんざと, けいじ |
Nov-2020 | Human Emotional State Estimation Evaluation using Heart Rate Variability and Activity Data | Setiono, Felix Yustian; Elibol, Armagan; Chong, Nak Young |
25-Jul-2001 | Human Performance and Sensation in Haptic Virtual Environment | ALHALABI, M. Osama; HORIGUCHI, Susumu |
23-Feb-2017 | Humming ComposTer:既存曲に合わせて口ずさまれる即興歌唱を利用した音楽の一次創作支援システム | 柳, 卓知; 西本, 一志; Ryu, Takchi; Nishimoto, Kazushi |