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検索結果: 2221-2241 / 18390.

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発行日タイトル 著者
Mar-2007 HMMによる顔画像の正規化誤差に適応した表情認識手法に関する研究河崎, 涼太; かわさき, りょうた
27-Oct-1990 Hoechst in Japan : A Main Pillar in a Global R&D NetwarkFrank, Gunter
Mar-2011 Hoffmanパズルの解の列挙と一般化に関する研究後藤, 新; ごとう, あらた
26-Jul-2023 Hole detrapping type persistent phosphors of RE2O2S (RE= La, Gd, Y, Lu) doped with Eu3+-Pr3+ and Eu3+-Tb3+Hashimoto, Atsunori; Ueda, Jumpei; Aoki, Yasushi; Dorenbos, Pieter; Tanabe, Setsuhisa
Sep-2007 Hole-injection barrier in pentacene field-effect transistor with Au electrodes modified by C_16H_33SHKawasaki, Naoko; Ohta, Yohei; Kubozono, Yoshihiro; Fujiwara, Akihiko
Nov-2005 Holistic Approach to Innovating and Excellence - Application to Business SchoolVesna, Kolene; Jifa, Gu; Gerhard, Chroust
Sep-2012 A home environment simulator that supports thermal energy and power energy simulations in a co-generation energy systemBUI, Phuc
Oct-2012 A home service deployment platform with support for detection and resolution of physical resource conflictsSioutis, Marios; Kim, Junsoo; Lim, Azman Osman; Tan, Yasuo
16-Mar-2012 HomeMadeJam: 家族が片手間に子どものピアノ練習に加われる合奏システムの提案横山, 裕基; 岩本, 拓也; 加藤, 千佳; 古谷, 亘; 米田, 圭志; 魏, 建寧; 于, 婧依; 西本, 一志; Yokoyama, Yuki; Iwamoto, Takuya; Kato, Chika; Furuya, Wataru; Yoneda, Keiji; Wei, Jianning; Jingyi, Yu; Nishimoto, Kazushi
4-Apr-2002 Hopping conduction in GaAs layers grown by molecular-beam epitaxy at low temperaturesShimogishi, F.; Mukai, K.; Fukushima, S.; Otsuka, N.
Mar-2005 HORBを用いた分散計算と感染伝搬の分析丹野, 聖司; たんの, せいじ
18-Oct-2014 Horizon2020における欧州技術プラットフォームを活用した官民パートナーシップ徳田, 昭雄
2-Mar-2017 Horizontal Localization of Sound Image and Source in Monaural Congenital DeafnessTakahashi, Kyoko; Morikawa, Daisuke
Jul-2017 Horizontal Localization of Sound Images and Sound Sources for Monaural Congenital DeafnessTakahashi, Kyoko; Morikawa, Daisuke
29-Jan-2014 Horizontally oriented molecular thin films for application in organic solar cellsMatsushima, Toshinori; Matsuo, Hitoshi; Yamamoto, Tetsuo; Nakao, Akichika; Murata, Hideyuki
Nov-2007 Hospital Knowledge Management : A Case Study of Call Center ImplementationKamada, Go; Nakamori, Yoshiteru; Wang, Zhongtuo; Gu, Jifa; Ma, Tieju
31-Oct-2020 How can a chemical company accelerate product innovation in the dynamic industry change?Hirosue, Masayuki; Hayashida, Hideki
May-2012 How does telenoid affect the communication between children in classroom setting?Yamazaki, Ryuji; Nishio, Shuichi; Ogawa, Kohei; Ishiguro, Hiroshi; Matsumura, Kohei; Koda, Kensuke; Fujinami, Tsutomu
22-Oct-2005 How does Venture Business Grow up in China's University-launched Science ParkLuo, Yongshun; Fujiwara, Takao
22-Oct-2005 How innovative is open source software? Empirical analysisKLINCWEICZ, Krzysztof; MIYAZAKI, Kumiko
Nov-2007 How Knowledge Science is Studied : a vision from the KSS’2006TANG, Xijin; WANG, Zheng; Nakamori, Yoshiteru; Wang, Zhongtuo; Gu, Jifa; Ma, Tieju
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