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検索結果: 1567-1587 / 18390.

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発行日タイトル 著者
1-Sep-2004 Electrophoresis of long deoxyribonucleic acid in curved channels: The effect of channel width on migration dynamicsUeda, Masanori; Hayama, Tetsuya; Takamura, Yuzuru; Horiike, Yasuhiro; Dotera, Tomonari; Baba, Yoshinobu
Mar-1998 Element-Free Galerkin Methodに適応した並列アルゴリズムの開発渡邉, 正宏; わたなべ, まさひろ
Jan-1993 Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems Immune to Any Reduction into the Discrete Logarithm ProblemMIYAJI, Atsuko
1993 Elliptic curves over F_p suitable for cryptosystemsMiyaji, Atsuko
Jan-1994 Elliptic Curves Suitable for CryptosystemsMIYAJI, Atsuko
2009 Elliptic curves with a pre-determined embedding degreeHirasawa, Shoujirou; Miyaji, Atsuko
30-Oct-2021 ELSIの観点から見た第11回科学技術予測調査結果の特徴小林, 俊哉
3-Dec-2021 Elucidating the degradation mechanism of a self-degradable dextran-based medical adhesiveHyon, Woogi; Shibata, Shuji; Ozaki, Etsuo; Fujimura, Motoki; Hyon, Suong-Hyu; Matsumura, Kazuaki
Mar-2017 Elucidation of degradation mechanism of recombinant spider silk中山, 超; なかやま, こゆる
15-Oct-2004 Elucidation of the Co-evolutionary Dynamism of Japan's System of Management of Technology : Comparative Empirical Analysis of the Institutional Systems between Japan, the US and ChinaFan, Peilei; Watanabe, Chihiro; Rong, Lin; Li, Ying
May-1998 Embedding symmetric simply typed classical lambda calculus into arrow typed lambda calculas with bottomTanaka, Yoshihito
23-Oct-2015 Emergence of a Kondo singlet state with Kondo temperature well beyond 1000 K in a proton-embedded electron gasTakada, Yasutami; Maezono, Ryo; Yoshizawa, Kanako
2015 Emergence of common tacit knowledge in an international IT project: a case study between Japan and SingaporeNishinaka, Miwa; Umemoto, Katsuhiro; Kohda, Youji
2007 Emergence of Communication and Language : Language Change among ‘Memoryless Learners’ Simulated in Language Dynamics EquationsNakamura, Makoto; Hashimoto, Takashi; Tojo, Satoshi; Lyon, Caroline; Nehaniv, Chrystopher L.; Cangelosi, Angelo
Jun-2022 Emoji-based Study about Emotion Recognition in Conversations周, 嫣然; しゅう, えんぜん
Sep-2023 Emotion Analysis Model Using Dialect Corpus and Proposal of Flaming and Cyberbullying Detection Method加藤, 大造; かとう, たいぞう
Mar-2021 Emotion analysis of sign language sperkers by nonverbal communication盧, 志杰; ろ, しけつ
Mar-2016 Emotion Recognition in Multiple Languages using a Three Layer Model李, 興風; り, こうふう
Mar-2024 Emotion Voice Conversion with Non-parallel and Limited Emotional Dataset based on Listening Feedback-loop of Self-improvement Mechanism張, 展航; ちょう, てんこう
1-Oct-2018 Emotional Bodily Expressions for Culturally Competent Robots through Long Term Human-Robot InteractionTuyen, Nguyen Tan Viet; Jeong, Sungmoon; Chong, Nak Young
Aug-2014 Emotional Speech Recognition and Synthesis in Multiple Languages toward Affective Speech-to-Speech Translation SystemAkagi, Masato; Han, Xiao; Elbarougy, Reda; Hamada, Yasuhiro; Li, Junfeng
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