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このアイテムの引用には次の識別子を使用してください: http://hdl.handle.net/10119/9580

タイトル: Voice activity detection in a regularized reproducing kernel Hilbert space
著者: Lu, Xugang
Unoki, Masashi
Isotani, Ryosuke
Kawai, Hisashi
Nakamura, Satoshi
キーワード: Statistical learning
reproducing kernel Hilbert space
voice activity detection
発行日: 2010-09
出版者: International Speech Communication Association
誌名: Proceedings of INTERSPEECH 2010
開始ページ: 3086
終了ページ: 3089
抄録: Voice activity detection (VAD) is used to detect whether the acoustic signal belongs to speech or non-speech clusters based on the statistical distribution of the acoustic features. Traditional VAD algorithms are applied in a linear transformed space without any constraint relating to the special characteristics speech or noise. As a result, the VAD algorithms are not robust to noise interference. Considering that speech is a special type of acoustic signal that only occupies a small fraction of the whole acoustic space, we proposed a new speech feature extraction method by giving constraints on the processing space as a reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS). In the RKHS, we regarded the speech estimation as a functional approximation problem, and estimated the approximation function via a regularized framework in the RKHS. Under this framework, we could incorporate the nonlinear mapping functions in the approximation implicitly via a kernel function. The approximation function could capture the nonlinear and high-order statistical regularities of the speech. Our VAD algorithm is designed on the basis of the power energy in this regularized RKHS. Compared with a baseline and G.729B VAD algorithms, experimental results showed the promising advantages of our proposed algorithm.
Rights: Copyright (C) 2010 International Speech Communication Association. Xugang Lu, Masashi Unoki, Ryosuke Isotani, Hisashi Kawai, and Satoshi Nakamura, Proceedings of INTERSPEECH 2010, 2010, 3086-3089.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10119/9580
資料タイプ: publisher
出現コレクション:b11-1. 会議発表論文・発表資料 (Conference Papers)


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お問合せ先 : 北陸先端科学技術大学院大学 研究推進課図書館情報係 (ir-sys[at]ml.jaist.ac.jp)