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Items for Author "Yamada, Syoji"

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Showing 4 items.

Date of IssueTitle Authors
10-Feb-2012 Selective area molecular beam epitaxy of InAs on GaAs (110) masked substrates for direct fabrication of planar nanowire field-effect transistorsAkabori, Masashi; Murakami, Tatsuya; Yamada, Syoji
12-Oct-2012 High-Efficiency Long-Spin-Coherence Electrical Spin Injection in CoFe/InGaAs Two-Dimensional Electron Gas Lateral Spin-Valve DevicesHidaka, Shiro; Akabori, Masashi; Yamada, Syoji
9-Oct-2014 High-In-content InGaAs quantum point contacts fabricated using focused ion beam system equipped with N_2 gas field ion sourceAkabori, Masashi; Hidaka, Shiro; Yamada, Syoji; Kozakai, Tomokazu; Matsuda, Osamu; Yasaka, Anto
30-Sep-2016 Characterization of spin-orbit coupling in gated wire structures using Al_2O_3/In_0.75Ga_0.25As/In_0.75Al_0.25As inverted heterojunctionsOhori, Takahiro; Akabori, Masashi; Hidaka, Shiro; Yamada, Syoji


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