JAIST Repository >

Nakamori Yoshiteru

1 目標志向の感性的意思決定分析 / 中森, 義輝, 科学研究費助成事業研究成果報告書, pp.1-5, 2014-06-02
2 Non-additive multi-attribute fuzzy target-oriented decision analysis / Yan, Hong-Bin, Huynh, Van-Nam, Ma, Tieju, Nakamori, Yoshiteru, Information Sciences, 240, pp.21-44, 2013-04-02, Elsevier
3 A proportional 3-tuple fuzzy linguistic screening evaluation model in new product development / Guo, Wen-Tao, Huynh, Van-Nam, Nakamori, Yoshiteru, Proceedings of The 14th International Symposium on Knowledge and Systems Sciences (KSS'2013), pp.82-88, 2013, JAIST Press
4 An extension of context model for representing vague knowledge / Huynh, Van-Nam, Miyamoto, Sadaaki, Nakamori, Yoshiteru, International Journal of Reasoning-based Intelligent Systems, 4(3), pp.171-179, 2012-11-19, Inderscience
5 Semi-heuristic target-based fuzzy decision procedures: Towards a new interval justification / Servin, Christian, Huynh, Van-Nam, Nakamori, Yoshiteru, 2012 Annual Meeting of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society (NAFIPS), pp.1-5, 2012-08, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
6 Integrated uncertainty management for decision making / Huynh, Van-Nam, Lawry, Jonathan, Nakamori, Yoshiteru, Annals of Operations Research, 195(1), pp.1-4, 2012-01-31, Springer
7 Exploring the Triple Helix of Academia-Industry-Government for Supporting Roadmapping in Academia / Yan, Jie, Ma, Tieju, Nakamori, Yoshiteru, International Journal of Management and Decision Making, 11(3/4), pp.249-267, 2011-06-21, Inderscience
8 A group nonadditive multiattribute consumer-oriented Kansei evaluation model with an application to traditional crafts / Yan, Hong-Bin, Huynh, Van-Nam, Nakamori, Yoshiteru, Annals of Operations Research, 195(1), pp.325-354, 2011-01-11, Springer
9 A linguistic screening evaluation model in new product development / Huynh, Van-Nam, Nakamori, Yoshiteru, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 58(1), pp.165-175, 2011, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
10 A probabilistic model for linguistic multi-expert decision making involving semantic overlapping / Yan, Hong-Bin, Huynh, Van-Nam, Nakamori, Yoshiteru, Expert Systems with Applications, 38(7), pp.8901-8912, 2011, Elsevier
11 新聞記事データ・ベースを利用した伝統産業盛衰要因の一考察 / 山下, 幸裕, 中森, 義輝, 年次学術大会講演要旨集, 25, pp.327-332, 2010-10-09, 研究・技術計画学会
12 A target-based decision making approach to consumer-oriented evaluation model for Japanese traditional crafts / Huynh, Van-Nam, Yan, Hongbin, Nakamori, Yoshiteru, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 57(4), pp.575-588, 2010-09, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
13 目標志向意思決定分析のフレームワーク構築とその応用 / 中森, 義輝, 科学研究費補助金研究成果報告書, pp.1-5, 2010-06-10
14 複雑経済現象の物理的モデル 【改訂第三版】 / 堀, H. 信三, 中森, 義輝, pp.1-350, 2010-06-10, JAIST Press
15 Linguistic Multi-Expert Decision Making Involving Semantic Overlapping / Yan, Hong-Bin, Huynh, Van-Nam, Nakamori, Yoshiteru, , 68/2010, pp.281-292, 2010-03-26, Springer
16 Notes on “reducing algorithm complexity for computing an aggregate uncertainty measure” / Huynh, Van-Nam, Nakamori, Yoshiteru, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics - Part A: Systems and Humans, 40(1), pp.205-209, 2010-01, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
17 A comparative study of target-based evaluation of traditional craft patterns using kansei data / Huynh, Van-Nam, Nakamori, Yoshiteru, Yan, Hongbin, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6291/2010, pp.160-173, 2010, Springer
18 On prioritized weighted aggregation in multi-criteria decision making / Yan, Hong-Bin, Huynh, Van-Nam, Nakamori, Yoshiteru, Murai, Tetsuya, Expert Systems with Applications, 38(1), pp.812-823, 2010, Elsevier
19 Modeling technology adoptions for sustainable development under increasing returns, uncertainty, and heterogeneous agents / Ma, T., Grubler, A., Nakamori, Y., European Journal of Operational Research, 195(1), pp.296-306, 2009-05-16, Elsevier
20 Kansei evaluation based on prioritized multi-attribute fuzzy target-oriented decision analysis / Yan, Hong-Bin, Huynh, Van-Nam, Murai, Tetsuya, Nakamori, Yoshiteru, Information Sciences, 178(21), pp.4080-4093, 2008-11, Elsevier
21 知識の統合と創造の方法論 / 中森, 義輝, システム制御情報学会誌, 52(6), pp.194-199, 2008-06-15, システム制御情報学会
22 A probability-based approach to comparison of fuzzy numbers and applications to target oriented decision making / Huynh, Van-Nam, Nakamori, Yoshiteru, Lawry, Jonathan, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 16(2), pp.371-387, 2008-04, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
23 産官学における技術開発・研究活動の分析 / 菊池, 智子, 中森, 義輝, 平木, 肇, 知識創造場論集, 4(4), pp.1-24, 2008-03, 北陸先端科学技術大学院大学 科学技術開発戦略センター
24 Establish a creative environment for roadmapping in academy - From the perspective of i-system methodology / Ma, Tieju, Wierzbicki, Andrzej P., Nakamori, Yoshiteru, Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, 16(4), pp.469-488, 2007-12, Springer
25 Knowledge Transferring in Science-Policy Process / Miyashita, Mitsumi, Nakamori, Yoshiteru, 2007-11, JAIST Press
26 A Methodology for Archiving Technological Knowledge / Yamashita, Yukihiro, Nakamori, Yoshiteru, 2007-11, JAIST Press
27 Modeling Technological Change in Energy Systems : from optimization to agent-based simulation / Ma, Tieju, Nakamori, Yoshiteru, 2007-11, JAIST Press
28 Multi-criteria Decision Making with Fuzzy Targets / Yan, Hongbin, Huynh, Van-Nam, Nakamori, Yoshiteru, 2007-11, JAIST Press
29 A New Linguistic Approach to Go/NoGo Evaluation at the Front End in New Product Development / Huynh, Van-Nam, Nakamori, Yoshiteru, 2007-11, JAIST Press
30 A Road Mapping Approach for Research Cooperation among Academia Industry and Government / Yan, Jie, Ma, Tieju, Nakamori, Yoshiteru, 2007-11, JAIST Press
31 Investigation of Knowledge Management Environments in Academia / Kikuchi, Tomoko, Wierzbicki, Andrzej P., Nakamori, Yoshiteru, 2007-11, JAIST Press
32 Kansei Visualization System using Fuzzy Correspondence Analysis / Ryoke, Mina, Nakamori, Yoshiteru, 2007-11, JAIST Press
33 The Importance of Multimedia Principle and Emergence Principle / Wierzbicki, Andrzej P., Nakamori, Yoshiteru, 2007-11, JAIST Press
34 An Analysis of Research Topics within a Community : the Example of Knowledge Science / NIE, Kun, JI, Zhe, NAKAMORI, Yoshiteru, 2007-11, JAIST Press
35 Constructing an Ontology for a Research Program / Tian, Jing, Wierzbicki, Andrzej P., Ren, Hongtao, Nakamori, Yoshiteru, 2007-11, JAIST Press
36 Decision Making Models Using Weather Forecast Information / Hiramatsu, Akio, Huynh, Van-Nam, Nakamori, Yoshiteru, 2007-11, JAIST Press
37 The Episteme of Knowledge Civilisation / Wierzbicki, Andrzej P., Nakamori, Yoshiteru, 2007-11, JAIST Press
38 Exploring Skills and Qualities of Knowledge Coordinators in Regional Reactivation Projects / Chihara, Kayano, Nakamori, Yoshiteru, 2007-11, JAIST Press
39 Innovation Study for Materials Science Laboratory Management, Supported by Knowledge Science Tools : Five Cross-Disciplinary Projects / Tsuruoka, Hiroyuki, Yoshinaga, Takashi, Nakamori, Yoshiteru, 2007-11, JAIST Press
40 Combining classifiers for word sense disambiguation based on Dempster-Shafer theory and OWA operators / Le, Anh Cuong, Huynh, Van-Nam, Shimazu, Akira, Nakamori, Yoshiteru, Data & Knowledge Engineering, 63(2), pp.381-396, 2007-11, Elsevier
41 石川県の伝統工芸におけるMOT教育プログラム(技術経営(3),一般講演,第22回年次学術大会) / 緒方, 三郎, 中森, 義輝, 小林, 俊哉, 年次学術大会講演要旨集, 22, pp.502-505, 2007-10-27, 研究・技術計画学会
42 大学院生を対象とした研究テーマ探索手法の開発について : 遷移金属触媒反応研究分野の化学系研究室における事例(研究開発システムとモデル(1),一般講演,第22回年次学術大会) / 平松, 章男, 和田, 透, 小林, 俊哉, 寺野, 稔, 中森, 義輝, 年次学術大会講演要旨集, 22, pp.855-858, 2007-10-27, 研究・技術計画学会
43 研究活動・研究環境の評価指標に関する研究(評価(1),一般講演,第22回年次学術大会) / 菊池, 智子, 中森, 義輝, , 年次学術大会講演要旨集, 22, pp.138-141, 2007-10-27, 研究・技術計画学会
44 Innovation Study for Materials Science Laboratory Management, Supported by Knowledge Science Tools : Five Cross-Disciplinary Projects(English Session) / Tsuruoka, Hiroyuki, Yoshinaga, Takashi, Kobayashi, Toshiya, Nakamori, Yoshiteru, 年次学術大会講演要旨集, 22, pp.189-192, 2007-10-27, 研究・技術計画学会
45 地域企業ネットワークの組織的知識創造プロセス : いしかわMOTシンジケート活動を通じて(技術経営(8),一般講演,第22回年次学術大会) / 砂崎, 友宏, 近藤, 修司, 中森, 義輝, 年次学術大会講演要旨集, 22, pp.561-564, 2007-10-27, 研究・技術計画学会
46 Agent-based simulation for Kansei Engineering: Testing a fuzzy linear quantification method in an artificial world / Ma, Tieju, Nakamori, Yoshiteru, Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, 16(3), pp.308-322, 2007-09, Springer
47 Decision making under uncertainty with fuzzy targets / Huynh, Van-Nam, Nakamori, Yoshiteru, Ryoke, Mina, Ho, Tu-Bao, Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making, 6(3), pp.255-278, 2007-09, Springer
48 プレゼンテーションのための物理エンジンを搭載したアニメーションツールの開発 / 高橋, 誠史, 中森, 義輝, 宮田, 一乗, 知識創造場論集, 4(1), pp.17-20, 2007-05, 北陸先端科学技術大学院大学 科学技術開発戦略センター
49 知識創造モデルに基づく研究活動・研究環境の評価 / 菊池, 智子, 中森, 義輝, Wierzbicki, A.P., 知識創造場論集, 3(1), pp.1-44, 2007-01, 北陸先端科学技術大学院大学 科学技術開発戦略センター
50 Roadmapping and i -Systems / Ma, Tieju, Yan, Hongbin, Nakamori, Yoshiteru, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4490, pp.1-8, 2007, Springer

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