JAIST Repository >

Ishihara Hajime

1 層モデルを用いた構成的逆数学の研究 / 石原, 哉, 科学研究費助成事業研究成果報告書, pp.1-4, 2019-05-31
2 構成的集合論における逆数学の研究 / 石原, 哉, 科学研究費助成事業研究成果報告書, pp.1-4, 2014-06-02
3 Relating Bishop's function spaces to neighbourhood spaces / Ishihara, Hajime, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 164(4), pp.482-490, 2012-11-06, Elsevier
4 A predicative completion of a uniform space / Berger, Josef, Ishihara, Hajime, Palmgren, Erik, Schuster, Peter, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 163(8), pp.975-980, 2011-12-31, Elsevier
5 The uniform boundedness theorem and a boundedness principle / Ishihara, Hajime, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 163(8), pp.1057-1061, 2011-12-31, Elsevier
6 Two subcategories of apartness spaces / Ishihara, Hajime, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 163(2), pp.132-139, 2011-07-20, Elsevier
7 On the contrapositive of countable choice / Ishihara, Hajime, Schuster, Peter, Archive for Mathematical Logic, 50(1-2), pp.137-143, 2010-09-18, Springer
8 構成的数学における逆数学の研究 / 石原, 哉, 科学研究費補助金研究成果報告書, pp.1-5, 2010-05-29
9 A continuity principle, a version of Baire's theorem and a boundedness principle / Ishihara, Hajime, Schuster, Peter, The Journal of Symbolic Logic, 73(4), pp.1354-1360, 2008-12, Association for Symbolic Logic
10 Unique Existence and Computability in Constructive Reverse Mathematics / Ishihara, Hajime, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4497, pp.368-377, 2007, Springer
11 On constructing completions / Crosilla, Laura, Ishihara, Hajime, Schuster, Peter, The Journal of Symbolic Logic, 70(3), pp.969-978, 2005-09, Association for Symbolic Logic
12 A constructive look at the completeness of the space DR / Ishihara, Hajime, Yoshida, Satoru, The Journal of Symbolic Logic, 67(4), pp.1511-1519, 2002-12, Association for Symbolic Logic


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