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検索結果: 4017-4037 / 18390.

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発行日タイトル 著者
Sep-2018 Preparation of Au-composite supra-polysaccharide membrane with uniaxial orientationThongsuk, Kittiphong; とーんすく, きってぃぽん
Mar-2024 Preparation of High-toughness Air/Bio-nylon Composites using Inorganic Nanoparticle EtchingIshangulyyev, Muhammet; いしゃんぐりえふ, むはめっと
4-Oct-2010 Preparation of large thermally stable platinum nanocubes by using solvent-thermal reactionShen, Zhongrong; Matsuki, Yasuo; Shimoda, Tatsuya
15-Oct-2014 Preparation of novel synthetic cryoprotectantsRajan, Robin; Matsumura, Kazuaki; Rajan, Robin; 松村, 和明
Mar-2015 Preparation of resveratrols/sacran hybrid hydrogels for controlled release of anti-oxidantsSORNKAMNERD, Saranyoo
Dec-2013 Preparation of Ruthenium Metal and Ruthenium Oxide Thin Films by a Low-Temperature Solution ProcessMurakami, Yoshitaka; Tue, Phan Trong; Tsukada, Hirokazu; Li, Jinwang; Shimoda, Tatsuya
Sep-2017 Preparation, stability, and photoelectrochemical property study of copper-bridged porphyrinatocobalt(ii) thin filmNitrathorn, Sakvarit; にとらーとろーん, さくわりっと
Aug-2008 Preserving The Coding Structure in Relay Transmission in The Presence of Unknown InterferenceAihua Hong; Matsumoto, Tad
3-Mar-2003 Pressure-induced structural phase transition in fullerides doped with rare-earth metalsH. Chi, Dam; Iwasa, Y.; Uehara, K.; Takenobu, T.; Ito, T.; Mitani, T.; Nishibori, E.; Takata, M.; Sakata, M.; Ohishi, Y.; Kato, K.; Kubozono, Y.
Nov-2005 A Primary Study on Summarization of Documents in VietnameseThanh, Le Ha; Quyet, Thang Huynh; Chi, Mai Luong; Jifa, Gu; Gerhard, Chroust
15-Oct-2011 Principal-Agent理論における「情報の非対称性」問題解消に資する競争的資金の予算配分モデルについて堰, 喜八郎; 高橋, 宏
Feb-2014 Priority based maximum consuming power control in smart homesUmer, Saher; Kaneko, Mineo; Tan, Yasuo; Lim, Azman Osman
1-Oct-2010 Privacy Preserving Frequency Mining in 2-Part Fully Distributed SettingLUONG, The Dung; HO, Tu Bao
22-Aug-2012 Privacy protection for speech based on concepts of auditory scene analysisAKAGI, Masato; IRIE, Yoshihiro
2010 Privacy-Preserving Data Mining in Presence of Covert AdversariesMiyaji, Atsuko; Rahman, Mohammad Shahriar
29-Jun-2011 Privacy-Preserving Data Mining: A Game-theoretic ApproachMiyaji, Atsuko; Rahman, Mohammad Shahriar
2015 A privacy-preserving efficient RFID authentication protocol from SLPN assumptionIslam Mamun, Mohammad Saiful; Miyaji, Atsuko
Mar-2012 Privacy-preserving Set Operations in the Presence of Rational PartiesMiyaji, Atsuko; Rahman, Mohammad Shahriar
Jul-2013 Private Multiparty Set Intersection Protocol in Rational ModelEmura, Keita; Miyaji, Atsuko; Rahman, Mohammad Shahriar
16-Nov-2000 Probabilistic analysis of directional-couple-based photonic switchingJiang, X. H.; Horiguchi, S.
17-Sep-2014 A Probabilistic Approach to Control of Complex Systems and Its Application to Real-Time PricingKobayashi, Koichi; Hiraishi, Kunihiko
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