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検索結果: 4037-4057 / 18390.

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発行日タイトル 著者
17-Sep-2014 A Probabilistic Approach to Control of Complex Systems and Its Application to Real-Time PricingKobayashi, Koichi; Hiraishi, Kunihiko
2011 A probabilistic model for linguistic multi-expert decision making involving semantic overlappingYan, Hong-Bin; Huynh, Van-Nam; Nakamori, Yoshiteru
2012 Probabilistic-constrained optimal control of a class of stochastic hybrid systemsKobayashi, Koichi; Matou, Koichiro; Hiraishi, Kunihiko
Apr-2008 A probability-based approach to comparison of fuzzy numbers and applications to target oriented decision makingHuynh, Van-Nam; Nakamori, Yoshiteru; Lawry, Jonathan
May-2004 Probe-on-carriers for oligonucleotide microarrays (DNA chips)Tsukahara, Toshifumi; Nagasawa, Hiroshi
4-Nov-2019 Procedural Content Generation of Rhythm Games Using Deep Learning MethodsLiang, Yubin; Li, Wanxiang; Ikeda, Kokolo
1-Aug-2022 Procedural Maze Generation with Considering Difficulty from Human Players' PerspectivesFujihira, Keita; Hsueh, Chu-Hsuan; Ikeda, Kokolo
Sep-2023 Procedurally Generating Natural-Looking Villages in Minecraft with Ant Colony Optimization AlgorithmsDeinböck, Tobias; でいんぼっく, とびあす
15-Jun-2000 A procedure for competitive fair divisionSung, Shao Chin; Vlach, Milan
26-Feb-2024 Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Formal Analysis and Verification of Post-Quantum Cryptographic Protocols (FAVPQC), 2023Escobar, Santiago; Otmani, Ayoub; Akleylek, Sedat; Ogata, Kazuhiro
2015 Process Acceleration in the Iterated Learning Model with String ClippingMatoba, Ryuichi; Sudo, Hiroki; Nakamura, Makoto; Hagiwara, Shingo; Tojo, Satoshi
26-Sep-2003 Process Model Combining the Artifact Process with Communication PathZhou, Yi; Ochimizu, Koichiro
24-Oct-1998 Product Development Challenge in IT: going through uncertainty and complexityAllani, Chokri; Kodama, Fumio
7-Nov-2003 Product Technology Strategy of Flash Memory Card in Japan's MarketWihandoko, Wisnu; 渡辺, 千仭
Mar-2015 Production of Emotion-based Behaviors for a Human-like Computer Game Player [課題研究報告書]Temsiririrkkul, Sila; テンシリリックン, シラ
2016 Production of Emotion-based Behaviors for a Human-like Computer PlayerTemsiririrkkul, Sila; Luong, Huu Phuc; Ikeda, Kokolo
Aug-2013 Production of Various Strategies and Position Control for Monte-Carlo Go - Entertaining human playersIkeda, Kokolo; Viennot, Simon
Nov-2005 Profit and Risk Sharing in Virtual EnterprisesJian, CHEN; Jian-Feng, CHEN; Jifa, Gu; Gerhard, Chroust
1-May-2010 Program Transformation Templates for Tupling Based on Term RewritingChiba, Yuki; Aoto, Takahito; Toyama, Yoshihito
11-Dec-2014 Progress in the materials science of siliceneYamada-Takamura, Yukiko; Friedlein, Rainer
4-Mar-2008 Progress Report : CEq Emergence Assistant (the tool support for the CEq formal method)Senachak, Jittisak
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