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検索結果: 2577-2597 / 18390.
発行日 | タイトル |
著者 |
Jun-2018 | Investigation of Ferroelectricity in Sputtered Y-doped HfO2 Thin Films | Karim, Mohammad Mesbahul; かりむ, もはまど めすばうる |
Mar-2021 | Investigation of Interaction Aware Relational Representations for Video Prediction | 田丸, 黎; たまる, れい |
Nov-2007 | Investigation of Knowledge Management Environments in Academia | Kikuchi, Tomoko; Wierzbicki, Andrzej P.; Nakamori, Yoshiteru; Nakamori, Yoshiteru; Wang, Zhongtuo; Gu, Jifa; Ma, Tieju |
Mar-2016 | An Investigation of Machine Learning and a Consideration on its Application to Theorem Proving [Project Paper] | Ho, Dung Tuan |
Mar-2014 | Investigation of Modal Logics with Application to Agent Communication [課題研究報告書] | Arai, Norihiro |
2014 | Investigation of objective measures for intelligibility prediction of noise-reduced speech for Chinese, Japanese, and English | Li, Junfeng; Xia, Risheng; Ying, Dongwen; Yan, Yonghong; Akagi, Masato |
Mar-2011 | Investigation of organic interfaces by using optical second harmonic generation (SHG) and sum frequency generation (SFG) techniques | El Basaty, Ahmed |
Sep-2012 | Investigation of Polysilazane-based SiO2 Gate Insulator for Oxide Semiconductor Thin Film Transistor | Huynh, Tu Thi Cam |
17-Oct-2014 | Investigation of solution-processed bismuth-niobium-oxide films | Inoue, Satoshi; Ariga, Tomoki; Matsumoto, Shin; Onoue, Masatoshi; Miyasako, Takaaki; Tokumitsu, Eisuke; Chinone, Norimichi; Cho, Yasuo; Shimoda, Tatsuya |
Mar-2015 | An Investigation of the Chandy-Lamport Distributed Snapshot Algorithm and its Model Checking [課題研究報告書] | Zhang, Wenjie |
2011 | An investigation on perceptual line spectral frequency (PLP-LSF) target stability against the vowel neutralization phenomenon | Phung, Trung-Nghia; Luong, Mai Chi; Akagi, Masato |
Feb-2011 | An investigation on speech perception over coarticulation | Phung, Trung-Nghia; Luong, Mai Chi; Akagi, Masato |
Nov-2005 | An investigation to the situation of master’s/doctorate degree holders assigned to manufacturing sites and their intended roles in Japan | Oyaizu, Hidetomo; Kobayashi, Toshiya; Jifa, Gu; Gerhard, Chroust |
Mar-2023 | Involution処理を用いた医用画像セグメンテーションモデルの軽量化に関する研究 | 黒澤, 樹音; くろさわ, じゅおん |
Mar-2008 | Involutiveな部分構造論理に対する証明論的アプローチ | 瀧田, 康晴; たきだ, やすはる |
Mar-2021 | IoE を活用した農業における知識共有 ~音声つぶやきシステムを用いた農作業者の気づきの伝え方とその検証 | 高道, 駿; たかどう, しゅん |
23-Dec-2019 | Ion Transportation by Prussian Blue Nanoparticles Embedded in a Giant Liposome | Uddin, S. M. Nizam; Laokroekkiat, Salinthip; Rashed, Md. Abu; Mizuno, Shino; Ono, Kenta; Ishizaki, Manabu; Kanaizuka, Katsuhiko; Kurihara, Masato; Nagao, Yuki; Hamada, Tsutomu |
26-Apr-2013 | Ionic state and chain conformation for aqueous solutions of supergiant cyanobacterial polysaccharide | Mitsumata, Tetsu; Miura, Takashi; Takahashi, Natsuki; Kawai, Mika; Okajima, Maiko K.; Kaneko, Tatsuo |
Mar-2019 | IoT Training System Using the Cooja Network Simulator | 王, 季東; おう, きとう |
Mar-2021 | IoT プラットフォームビジネス構築手法の提案 : サービス機能展開による価値創出の明示化 | 矢頭, 岳人; やとう, たけと |
10-Oct-2015 | IoTが拓く新ビジネス環境とイノベーション戦略 : 常にモノがネットワークに繋がる世界にいかに対処すべきか | 高橋, 浩 |