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検索結果: 5409-5429 / 18390.

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発行日タイトル 著者
Mar-2023 A User Experience Study of AR based 3D Modeling tool左, 兆馨; さ, ちょうけい
Mar-2020 User-centered Improvement of Entertainment Factors and Platform Transformation in Various AspectsANUNPATTANA, Punyawee; あなんぱったなー, ぱんやびー
2-Jan-2019 User-Centric Consumption Scheduling and Fair Billing Mechanism in Demand-Side ManagementCharoen, Prasertsak; Sioutis, Marios; Javaid, Saher; Charoenlarpnopparut, Chalie; Lim, Yuto; Tan, Yasuo
Mar-2014 Using Cluster Analysis to Identify Services from Legacy System at Different Levels of Granularity唐, 曉寧; とう, ぎょうねい
16-Dec-2014 Using Conditional Copula to Estimate Value-at-Risk in Vietnam's Foreign Exchange MarketNguyen, Vu-Linh; Huynh, Van-Nam
Using Conspiracy Numbers for Improving Move Selectionin Minimax Game-Tree SearchVu, Quang; Ishitobi, Taichi; Terrillon, Jean-Christophe; Iida, Hiroyuki
6-Jul-1994 Using object-oriented techniques in microkernel based operating systemsNakajima, Tatsuo; 中島, 達夫; ナカジマ, タツオ
27-Oct-2012 Using option-games to describe strategy selection of technology investment in the green supply chainNur Budi, Mulyono; Fujiwara, Takao
Mar-2003 Using Prior Knowledge in Rule InductionNguyen, Dung Duc; グェン, ズゥン ドック
18-Jan-2013 Using Shallow Semantic Parsing and Relation Extraction for Finding Contradiction in TextPham, Minh Quang Nhat; Nguyen, Minh Le; Shimazu, Akira
7-Sep-2006 Using text semantic similarity approach to check the consistency of UMLKotb, Yasser; Katayama, Takuya
Nov-2007 Using the Concept of Serendipity in EducationSawaizumi, Shigekazu; Katai, Osamu; Kawakami, Hiroshi; Shiose, Takayuki
Aug-2012 Utilization of 2-D Markov Source Correlation using Block Turbo CodeIzhar, Mohd Azri Mohd; Fisal, Norsheila; Zhou, Xiaobo; Anwar, Khoirul; Matsumoto, Tad
5-Nov-2015 Utilization of multi-dimensional source correlation in multi-dimensional single parity check codesIzhar, Mohd Azri Mohd; Zhou, Xiaobo; Matsumoto, Tad
Mar-2024 UXリサーチを通じた新規サービス開発プロセス ──「メルカード」の事例研究──松薗, 美帆; まつぞの, みほ
22-Feb-2019 Vacuum deposition of CsPbI_3 layers on textured Si for Perovskite/Si tandem solar cellsHamada, Keitaro; Yonezawa, Kyosuke; Yamamoto, Kohei; Taima, Tetsuya; Hayase, Shuzi; Ooyagi, Noboru; Yamamoto, Yuzo; Ohdaira, Keisuke
Mar-2016 VAD感情空間における感情音声の個人性分布に関する研究附田, 茉由; つきだ, まゆ
25-Aug-2006 The valence state of Yb ion in YblnAu_2 compound at high pressure determined by x-ray diffraction and x-ray absorption near edge structure measurementsFuse, A.; Nakamoto, G.; Ishimatsu, N.; Kurisu, M.
15-Jun-2012 Validation of BET Specific Surface Area for Heterogeneous Ziegler-Natta Catalysts based on α_S-plotTaniike, Toshiaki; Chammingkwan, Patchanee; Thang, Vu Quoc; Funako, Toshiki; Terano, Minoru
5-Jan-2013 Value Co-creation with Customer through Recursive Approach Based on Japanese Omotenashi ServiceBelal, H. M.; Shirahada, Kunio; Kosaka, Michitaka
25-Jun-2010 Variation of Crystallization Mechanisms in Flash-Lamp-Irradiated Amorphous Silicon FilmsOhdaira, Keisuke; Nishikawa, Takuya; Matsumura, Hideki
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