JAIST Repository >
一覧: タイトル
検索結果: 5365-5385 / 18390.
発行日 | タイトル |
著者 |
25-Apr-2012 | Uncurrying for Termination and Complexity | Hirokawa, Nao; Middeldorp, Aart; Zankl, Harald |
Nov-2005 | Understanding a Large Scientific Project from Network Perspective | Kun, NIE; Xijin, TANG; Jifa, Gu; NAKAMORI, Yoshiteru; Jifa, Gu; Gerhard, Chroust |
2-Jun-2020 | Understanding Nonverbal Communication Cues of Human Personality Traits in Human-Robot Interaction | Shen, Zhihao; Elibol, Armagan; Chong, Nak Young |
Mar-2018 | Understanding the Effects of Game in Educational Environment using Game Refinement Measure | Huynh, Phuong Duy; ふぃん, ふぉん ずい |
Mar-2022 | Underwater Image Enhancement Based on Attention Mechanism and Multi-scale Generative Adversarial Network | 劉, 金華; りゅう, きんか |
2016 | Unfolding and Dissection of Multiple Cubes | Abel, Zach; Ballinger, Bran; Demaine, Erik D; Demaine, Martin L; Erickson, Jeff; Hesterberg, Adam; Ito, Hiro; Kostitsyana, Irina; Lynch, Jayson; Uehara, Ryuhei |
2017 | Unfolding and Dissection of Multiple Cubes, Tetrahedra, and Doubly Covered Squares | Abel, Zach; Ballinger, Brad; D. Demaine, Erik; L. Demaine, Martin; Erickson, Jeff; Hesterberg, Adam; Ito, Hiro; Kostitsyna, Irina; Lynch, Jayson; Uehara, Ryuhei |
Jan-1993 | Unified Analysis on Performance Limits of Coded Multilevel DPSK in Rayleigh Fading Channels | Matsumoto, T.; Adachi, F. |
29-Dec-2018 | A Unified Framework for Operational Range Estimation of Mobile Robots Operating on a Single Discharge to Avoid Complete Immobilization | Tiwari, Kshitij; Xiao, Xuesu; Malik, Ashish; Chong, Nak Young |
Mar-2001 | A Unified Scheme for Detecting Fundamental Curves in Binary Edge Images | Asano, Tetsuo; Katoh, Naoki; Tokuyama, Takeshi |
31-Dec-2011 | The uniform boundedness theorem and a boundedness principle | Ishihara, Hajime |
2001 | Uniform Normalisation beyond Orthogonality | Khasidashvili, Zurab; Ogawa, Mizuhito; Oostrom, Vincent van |
1-Nov-1999 | Unintentional Technology Spillover between Two Sectors : Kinetic Approach | 渡辺, 千仭; 許, 光仁 |
2007 | Unique Existence and Computability in Constructive Reverse Mathematics | Ishihara, Hajime |
6-May-2001 | Unique normal form property of compatible term rewriting systems: a new proof of Chew's theorem | Mano, Ken; Ogawa, Mizuhito |
1996 | Unique normal form property of Higher-Order Rewriting | Mano, Ken; Ogawa, Mizuhito |
30-Aug-1995 | Unique normal proof property for implicational minimal formulas in the intuitionistic logic | Aoto, Takahito; 青戸, 等人; アオト, タカヒト |
11-Aug-1994 | Uniqueness of normal proofs in {→,∧}-fragment of NJ | Aoto, Takahito; Ono, Hiroakira |
Mar-2005 | Universal Darwinism based on the theory of direct proper functions | 桐谷, 理; きりたに, おさむ |
Nov-2005 | University as “Agent-Based Social Systems Sciences” | Sorin, Eugen ZAHARIA; Jifa, Gu; Gerhard, Chroust |
Mar-2000 | UNIX ファイルシステムの振舞仕様 | 松宮, 千代; まつみや, ちよ |