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検索結果: 934-954 / 18375.

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発行日タイトル 著者
3-Feb-2010 Constant-Work-Space Algorithm for a Shortest Path in a Simple PolygonAsano, Tetsuo; Mulzer, Wolfgang; Wang, Yajun
2009 Constant-Working-Space Algorithms for Image ProcessingAsano, Tetsuo
2007 Constraints for Argument FilteringsZankl, Harald; Hirokawa, Nao; Middeldorp, Aart
2011 Construct of Common Development of Regular Tetrahedron and CubeShirakawa, Toshihiro; Horiyama, Takashi; Uehara, Ryuhei
24-Mar-1997 Constructing a support environment for cooperative works over computer network by integrating software process enactment support and communication supportOchimizu, Koichiro; 落水, 浩一郎
Nov-2007 Constructing an Ontology for a Research ProgramTian, Jing; Wierzbicki, Andrzej P.; Ren, Hongtao; Nakamori, Yoshiteru; Nakamori, Yoshiteru; Wang, Zhongtuo; Gu, Jifa; Ma, Tieju
6-Dec-2001 Constructing high availability application serversInoguchi, Yasushi; Shikida, Mikifumi; Tan, Yasuo; Matsuzawa, Teruo
6-Dec-2001 Constructing high availability network systemsInoguchi, Yasushi; Shikida, Mikifumi; Tan, Yasuo; Matsuzawa, Teruo
2009 Constructing Optimal HighwaysAhn, Hee-Kap; Alt, Helmut; Asano, Tetsuo; Bae, Sang Won; Brass, Peter; Cheong, Otfried; Knauer, Christian; Na, Hyeon-Suk; Shin, Chan-Su; Wolff, Alexander
4-Mar-2008 Construction and Control of a 3D physiological articulatory model for speech productionFANG, Qiang
12-Sep-2002 Construction and high cytoplasmic expression of a tumoricidal single-chain antibody against hepatocellular carcinomaSandee, Duanpen; Tungpradabkul, Sumalee; Tsukio, Manae; Imanaka, Tadayuki; Takagi, Masahiro
28-Apr-1995 A construction of codes with exponential error bounds on arbitrary discrete memoryless channelsUyematsu, Tomohiko; Okamoto, Eiji; 植松, 友彦; 岡本, 栄司; ウエマツ, トモヒコ; オカモト, エイジ
Mar-2009 Construction of Higher Order Polysilsesquioxane StructuresTrinh, Thuy Thang Jr
Mar-2017 Construction of Lattice Codes Using Convolutional Codes周, 帆; しゅう, はん
8-Jan-2002 Construction of Rule Base for the Control of Discrete Event DynamicHiraishi, Kunihiko; Capkovic, Frantisek
5-Nov-2013 A construction of sound semantic linguistic scales using 4-tuple representation of term semanticsNguyen, Cat-Ho; Huynh, Van Nam; Pedrycz, Witold
17-May-2002 A constructive completion of the space D(R)Yoshida, Satoru
Dec-2002 A constructive look at the completeness of the space DRIshihara, Hajime; Yoshida, Satoru
10-Jun-2002 A constructive look at Weierstrass' theoremYoshida, Satoru
17-May-2002 A constructive meaning for convergence and the cauchyness of sequences of the space D(R)Yoshida, Satoru
22-Sep-2009 Constructive Type Theory and Interactive Theorem ProvingDybjer, Peter
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