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Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://hdl.handle.net/10119/9862

Title: Construct of Common Development of Regular Tetrahedron and Cube
Authors: Shirakawa, Toshihiro
Horiyama, Takashi
Uehara, Ryuhei
Keywords: unfolding
regular tetrahedron
regular cube
Issue Date: 2011
Publisher: EuroCG 2011
Magazine name: 27th European Workshop on Computational Geometry (EuroCG 2011)
Start page: 47
End page: 50
Abstract: A procedure that produces a common unfolding of aregular tetrahedron and a cube is given. It is adaptableto the length of an edge. If we allow a small errorof the length of an edge of the tetrahedron, the procedurecertainly halts and generates a common unfoldingof a cube and an almost regular tetramonohedron.If we wish to generate the common unfolding of themwith accuracy, we conjecture that the procedure doesnot halt and we obtain the common unfolding in thelimit as a set of infinitely many points. The procedurehas a potential to design a fractal structure given ina continued fraction form.
Rights: Toshihiro Shirakawa, Takashi Horiyama, and Ryuhei Uehara, 27th European Workshop on Computational Geometry (EuroCG 2011), 2011, 47-50.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10119/9862
Material Type: author
Appears in Collections:b11-1. 会議発表論文・発表資料 (Conference Papers)

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