JAIST Repository >

Shimazu Akira

1 テキストの可読性を高める構造的書換えモデルの研究 / 島津, 明, 科学研究費助成事業研究成果報告書, pp.1-5, 2018-05-31
2 Using Shallow Semantic Parsing and Relation Extraction for Finding Contradiction in Text / Pham, Minh Quang Nhat, Nguyen, Minh Le, Shimazu, Akira, Research report (School of Information Science, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology), IS-RR-2013-002, pp.1-10, 2013-01-18, 北陸先端科学技術大学院大学情報科学研究科
3 法令文書の言語解析法の研究 : 法令工学の研究として / 島津, 明, 科学研究費補助金研究成果報告書, pp.1-5, 2012-05-31
4 Update Legal Documents Using Hierarchical Ranking Models and Word Clustering / Pham, Minh Quang Nhat, Nguyen, Minh Le, Shimazu, Akira, 223, pp.163-166, 2010-12, IOS Press
5 A Semi-Supervised Learning Method for Vietnamese Part of Speech Tagging / Nguyen, Le Minh, Xuan, Bach Ngo, Nguyen, Viet Cuong, Nhat, Minh Pham Quang, Shimazu, Akira, 2010 Second International Conference on Knowledge and Systems Engineering (KSE), pp.141-146, 2010-10, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
6 Treatment of Legal Sentences Including Itemization Written in Japanese, English and Vietnamese —Towards Translation into Logical Forms— / Nakamura, Makoto, Kimura, Yusuke, Nhat Pham, Minh Quang, Nguyen, Minh Le, Shimazu, Akira, 自然言語処理, 17(3), pp.81-100, 2010-05, 言語処理学会
7 Clause Splitting with Conditional Random Fields / Nguyen, Vinh Van, Nguyen, Minh Le, Shimazu, Akira, Information and Media Technologies, 4(1), pp.57-75, 2009, The Association for Natureal Language Processing
8 Online Structured Learning for Semantic Parsing with Synchronous and λ-Synchronous Context Free Grammars / Nguyen, Le-Minh, Shimazu, Akira, Phan, Xuan Hieu, Nguyen, Phuong Thai, 20th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, 2008. ICTAI '08., pp.135-142, 2008-11, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
9 Semi-supervised learning integrated with classifier combination for word sense disambiguation / Le, Anh-Cuong, Shimazu, Akira, Huynh, Van-Nam, Nguyen, Minh Le, Computer Speech & Language, 22(4), pp.330-345, 2008-10, Elsevier
10 Reordering Phrase-based machine translation over chunks / Nguyen, Vinh Van, Nguyen, Thai Phuong, Shimazu, Akira, Nguyen, Minh Le, IEEE International Conference on Research, Innovation and Vision for the Future, 2008. RIVF 2008., pp.114-119, 2008-07, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
11 Towards Translation of Legal Sentences into Logical Forms / Nakamura, Makoto, Nobuoka, Shunsuke, Shimazu, Akira, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4914, pp.349-362, 2008, Springer
12 Combining classifiers for word sense disambiguation based on Dempster-Shafer theory and OWA operators / Le, Anh Cuong, Huynh, Van-Nam, Shimazu, Akira, Nakamori, Yoshiteru, Data & Knowledge Engineering, 63(2), pp.381-396, 2007-11, Elsevier
13 Automatic Extraction of the Fine Category of Person Named Entities from Text Corpora / NGUYEN, Tri-Thanh, SHIMAZU, Akira, IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems, E90-D(10), pp.1542-1549, 2007-10-01, 電子情報通信学会
14 法令文書の言語解析 / 島津, 明, pp.1-27, 2007-09-07
15 COE Research Monograph Series, Vol. 2 : 法令工学の提案 / 片山, 卓也, 島津, 明, 東条, 敏, 二木, 厚吉, 緒方, 和博, 有本, 泰仁, 落水, 浩一郎, 早坂, 良, 2, 2007-09, JAIST Press
16 法令文書の自然言語処理 / 島津, 明, pp.1-5, 2007-03-07
17 Sentence Extraction with Support Vector Machine Ensemble / Minh, Le Nguyen, Shimazu, Akira, Xuan, Hieu Phan, Tu, Bao Ho, Horiguchi, Susumu, 2005-11, JAIST Press
18 An evidential reasoning approach to weighted combination of classifiers for word sense disambiguation / Le, Cuong Anh, Huynh, Van-Nam, Shimazu, Akira, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3587, pp.516-525, 2005, Springer
19 電子メールを利用した学習者間のコミュニケーション支援 / 村越, 広享, 山見, 太郎, 島津, 明, 落水, 浩一郎, 教育システム情報学会誌, 18(3.4), pp.308-318, 2001-11-01, 教育システム情報学会
20 言い直しを含む発話の解析(<特集>並列処理) / 中野, 幹生, 島津, 明 , 情報処理学会論文誌, 39(6), pp.1935-1943, 1998-06-15, 情報処理学会


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