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検索結果: 2428-2448 / 18061.

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発行日タイトル 著者
24-Oct-2009 The Initial Fluid Stage of University Spin-offs : A Case from Kyushu Institute of TechnologyPAN, Yanping
1-May-2005 Inkdot versus Pebble over Two-Dimensional LanguagesINOUE, Atsuyuki; ITO, Akira; HIRAISHI, Kunihiko; INOUE, Katsushi
Nov-2005 Innovation and Creativity From the Viewpoint of Systems Thinking and Chaos TheoryGerald, Steiner; Jifa, Gu; Gerhard, Chroust
21-Oct-2006 Innovation by Multi-technology Fusion : The Case of the Intellectual Robotics IndustryLEE, Kong-Rae
2-Nov-2013 Innovation in Services : the Case of B2B Mobile Services in KoreaHong, Seunghye; Miyazaki, Kumiko
Nov-2005 Innovation in Services ~ Assessment of Competitiveness based on the Case of International Pre-paid Calling Cards in JapanMiyazaki, Kumiko; Edmar, Wiggers; Jifa, Gu; Gerhard, Chroust
Nov-2007 Innovation Study for Materials Science Laboratory Management, Supported by Knowledge Science Tools : Five Cross-Disciplinary ProjectsTsuruoka, Hiroyuki; Yoshinaga, Takashi; Nakamori, Yoshiteru; Nakamori, Yoshiteru; Wang, Zhongtuo; Gu, Jifa; Ma, Tieju
27-Oct-2007 Innovation Study for Materials Science Laboratory Management, Supported by Knowledge Science Tools : Five Cross-Disciplinary Projects(English Session)Tsuruoka, Hiroyuki; Yoshinaga, Takashi; Kobayashi, Toshiya; Nakamori, Yoshiteru
27-Oct-2012 Innovation Trajectories of Embedded Software : the Case of Automobiles and Mobile Phones in JapanXIE, Zhongquan; MIYAZAKI, Kumiko
15-Oct-2004 Innovative capability in ICT firms in China and Japan focusing on the effects of the institutional systems高, 昂; 渡辺, 千仭
Mar-2020 An Innovative Entrepreneurial Distribution in BOP Supply Chain: A Case Study of JITA BangladeshTaskin, Sharmin; たすきん, しゃるみん
Mar-2009 InSb 系中赤外受光デバイス特性向上のための要素技術川村, 一茂; かわむら, かずしげ
18-Oct-2014 INSEADにおけるグローバルイノベーションインデックス (GII) の変遷と日本の順位神田, 由美子
23-Jan-2017 Insights into the spontaneous formation of silicene sheet on diboride thin filmsFleurence, A.; Yamada-Takamura, Y.
7-Nov-2003 Institutional Factors Governing Economic Development : Cross Country Comparison over 25 NationsFatih, Gunduz; 渡辺, 千仭
19-Jan-2018 Insulator-semiconductor interface fixed charges in AlGaN/GaN metal-insulator-semiconductor devices with Al_2O_3 or AlTiO gate dielectricsLe, Son Phuong; Nguyen, Duong Dai; Suzuki,Toshi-kazu
21-Feb-2011 An integer programming approach to optimal control problems in context-sensitive probabilistic Boolean networksKobayashi, Koichi; Hiraishi, Kunihiko
May-2012 An Integrated 2D and 3D Location Measurement System Using Spiral Motion PositionerLee, Geunho; Noguchi, Naoto; Kawasaki, Nobuya; Chong, Nak Young
Nov-2005 Integrated Approach To System Researches Of Complex Problems Of Medicine And BiologyGalyna, Onopchuk; Kostyantyn, Polinkevych; Jifa, Gu; Gerhard, Chroust
Oct-2014 An Integrated Epigenetic Robot Architecture via Context-influenced Long-Term MemoryPratama, Ferdian; Mastrogiovanni, Fulvio; Chong, Nak Young
9-Mar-2020 Integrated Factor Graph Algorithm for DOA-based Geolocation and TrackingCheng, Meng; Aziz, Muhammad Reza Kahar; Matsumoto, Tad
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