JAIST Repository >
一覧: タイトル
検索結果: 535-555 / 18390.
発行日 | タイトル |
著者 |
2-Mar-2011 | A binaural model accounting for spatial masking release | Mizukawa, Shinya; Akagi, Masato |
1-Oct-2014 | Binaural Sound Source Localization in Noisy Reverberant Environments Based on Equalization-Cancellation Theory | Chau, Thanh-Duc; Li, Junfeng; Akagi, Masato |
2003 | Binding Energy of the Electron-Hole Liquid in Type-II (GaAs)_m/(AlAs)_m Quantum Wells | Inagaki, Akira; Katayama, Shin'ichi |
Oct-2009 | Biologically Inspired Control for Robotic Arm Using Neural Oscillator Network | Yang, Woosung; Bae, Ji-Hun; Oh, Yonghwan; Chong, Nak Young; You, Bum Jae |
Feb-2010 | Biologically Inspired Robot Arm Control Using Neural Oscillators | Yang, Woosung; Chong, Nak Young; You, Bum Jae; Houssem Abdellatif (Ed.) |
14-Mar-2010 | Biologically Inspired Robotic Arm Control Using an Artificial Neural Oscillator | Yang, Woosung; Kwon, Jaesung; Chong, Nak Young; Oh, Younghwan |
Jul-2009 | Biologically-inspired Self-adapting Motion Control Employing Neural Oscillators | Yang, Woosung; Kwon, Jaesung; Bae, Ji-Hun; Chong, Nak Young; You, Bum Jae |
1-Aug-2012 | Bipartite Permutation Graphs are Reconstructible | Kiyomi, Masashi; Saitoh, Toshiki; Uehara, Ryuhei |
16-Jan-2017 | Birefringence and strain-induced crystallization of stretched cellulose acetate propionate films | Nobukawa, Shogo; Nakao, Akichika; Songsurang, Kultida; Pulkerd, Panitha; Shimada, Hikaru; Kondo, Misaki; Yamaguchi, Masayuki |
Aug-2007 | Birefringence control for binary blends of cellulose acetate propionate and poly(vinyl acetate) | Yamaguchi, Masayuki; Masuzawa, Kenji |
Mar-2024 | Bit-Decomposition プロトコルの実装評価 | 工藤, 遼; くどう, りょう |
5-Jun-2024 | Bit-Flipping Helper-Assisted Lossy Communications: Performance Analyses over Fading Multiple Access Channels | Lin, Wensheng; Zribi, Amin; Asvadi, Reza; Dupraz, Elsa; Li, Lixin; Matsumoto, Tad |
24-Feb-2016 | BiTak: A Half-duplex Dual-lingual Video Chat to Improve Languages Proficiency both of Japanese and International Students | Bui Ba, Hoang Anh; 西本, 一志; Bui Ba, Hoang Anh; Nishimoto, Kazushi |
17-Apr-2019 | Blind Monaural Singing Voice Separation Using Rank-1 Constraint Robust Principal Component Analysis and Vocal Activity Detection | Li, Feng; Akagi, Masato |
15-Mar-2000 | Block bond-order potential as a convergent moments-based method | Ozaki, T.; Aoki, M.; Pettifor, D. G. |
2008 | Blood Flow Simulation System with Interaction between Blood Flow and Blood Vessel Wall using Image Based Cartesian Grid | KUMAHATA, Kiyoshi; WATANABE, Masahiro; MATSUZAWA, Teruo |
Mar-2020 | Bluetooth Low Energyを用いた生体情報取得に関する研究 | 福嶋, 開人; ふくしま, かいと |
5-Nov-2016 | Bluetooth Smart 発信機を用いた高齢者見守り機構「見守りプラス」の研究 | 永井, 明彦; マウリシオ, クグレ; 白松, 俊; 王, 建青; 岩田, 彰 |
Mar-2004 | Bluetooth ネットワークの有線拡張によるホームネットワークの構築 | 井波, 政朗; いなみ, まさあき |
Mar-2003 | Bluetoothによるリアルタイム コミュニケーションに関する研究 | 李, 昌栄; リ, ショウエイ |
1-Mar-2023 | BlurtMemo:フィールドワークにおける網羅性の高い現場メモの作成を支援するシステムの提案 | 澤田, 健太郎; 西本, 一志; 高島, 健太郎 |