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検索結果: 175-195 / 18061.

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発行日タイトル 著者
Sep-1996 Advanced modal logicZakharyaschev, Michael; Wolter, Frank; Chagrov, Alexander
2007 Advances for In-Vehicle and Mobile Systems : Noise reduction based on microphone array and post-filtering for robust speech recognition in car environmentsLi, Junfeng; Lu, Xugang; Akagi, Masato
Jul-2011 Advancing Faculty Development Programs:First ReportVESTERGAARD, Mun'delanji C.; フェスターガード, キャサリン・ムンデランジ
2011 Advantage of Plasma-Less Deposition in Cat-CVD to the Performance of Electronic DevicesMatsumura, Hideki; Hasegawa, Tomoaki; Nishizaki, Shogo; Ohdaira, Keisuke
Apr-2010 Advantage of plasma-less deposition: Cat-CVD fabrication of a-Si TFT with current drivability equivalent to poly-Si TFTMatsumura, Hideki; Ohdaira, Keisuke; Nishizaki, Shogo
1-Aug-2012 Adverse Factors of Knowledge Integration in a Product Development Organization after M&A : A Case Study of a Precision Device ManufacturerHorie, Nobuhiro; Ikawa, Yasuo
Mar-2001 Aeropyrum pernix /i 由来の超熱安定グルタミン酸デヒドロゲナーゼの生化学特性と分子クローニンングIs, Helianti; いす, へりあんてぃ
Mar-2005 AFM-ナノポアアレイを用いた染色体のナノ解析酒谷, 武志; さかや, たけし
Mar-2001 AFMを用いたDNA-HMG2複合体の構造解析斎藤, 真人; さいとう, まさと
Mar-2002 AFMを用いたヒト染色体のナノ操作法の開発小川, 健一; おがわ, けんいち
27-Nov-2006 Agdaコンパイラ—Agate(アガテ)尾崎, 弘幸
Nov-2005 Age and Gender Recognition Using Facial Edge InformationNakano, Miyoko; Fukumi, Minoru; Jifa, Gu; Gerhard, Chroust
23-May-2022 Age-of-Information in First-Come-First-Served Wireless Communications: Upper Bound and Performance OptimizationLin, Wensheng; Li, Lixin; Yuan, Jinhong; Han, Zhu; Juntti, Markku; Matsumoto, Tad
15-Oct-2004 Agenda for Technology Management caused by Shifting Innovation Trajectories in Research Innovation SystemsMiyazaki, Kumiko; Kumaresan, Nageswaran
Nov-2005 An Agent based Human Resource Management Information SystemSu, Yan; Hu, Daiping; Wang, Huanchen; Xu, Weiguo; Lei, Aizhong; Jifa, Gu; Gerhard, Chroust
Nov-2005 Agent Based Modeling and Simulation of Meta Game of Learning with Two Levels of LearningUtomo, Sarjono Putro; Santi, Novani; Pri, Hermawan; Jifa, Gu; Gerhard, Chroust
Nov-2005 Agent Based Simulation for Knowledge ManagementUtomo, Sarjono Putro; Manahan, Siallagan; Pri, Hermawan; Jifa, Gu; Gerhard, Chroust
8-May-2006 An agent-based approach for predictions based on multi-dimensional complex dataMa, Tieju; Nakamori, Yoshiteru
Aug-2003 An agent-based approach to identification of prediction modelsMa, Tieju; Nakamori, Yoshiteru
2017 Agent-based feedback control for fluctuating power sources and loads: watch TV with PV powerJavaid, Saher; Kato, Takekazu
Nov-2005 An agent-based model for analyzing product penetration for consumer goodsSHIBA, Naoki; Kitanaka, Hideaki; Tanaka, Hirokazu; Jifa, Gu; Gerhard, Chroust
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