発行日 | タイトル |
著者 |
Mar-2022 | AlGaN/GaN ヘテロ構造に対するリセスオーミック接触抵抗のサイズ依存性 | 木内, 翔太; きうち, しょうた |
Mar-2017 | AlGaN/GaNデバイスにおける絶縁体-半導体界面電荷と界面結合状態 | 長谷川, 貴大; はせがわ, たかひろ |
Mar-2012 | AlGaN/GaN電界効果トランジスタおよびショットキーダイオードにおける低周波揺らぎ | 四郎園, 政隆; しろうぞの, まさたか |
16-Jul-2002 | An algebraic approach to linguistic hedges in Zadeh's fuzzy logic | Nguyen, Ho C.; Huynh, V. Nam |
Mar-2005 | An algebraic approach to the disjunction property of substructural logics | 相馬, 大輔; そうま, だいすけ |
7-Mar-2007 | Algebraic Approaches to Formal Analysis of the Mondex Electronic Purse System | Kong, Weiqiang; Ogata, Kazuhiro; Futatsugi, Kokichi |
23-Mar-2007 | Algebraic approaches to formal analysis of the mondex electronic purse system | Kong, Weiqiang; Ogata, Kazuhiro; Futatsugi, Kokichi |
Jul-2004 | Algebraic aspects of cut elimination | Belardinelli, Francesco; Jipsen, Peter; Ono, Hiroakira |
2008 | Algebraic characterizations of variable separation properties | KIHARA, Hitoshi; ONO, Hiroakira |
Mar-1999 | An Algebraic Formal Method for Component based Software Developments | 飯田, 周作; いいだ, しゅうさく |
2007 | An algebraic foundation for linguistic reasoning | Huynh, Van Nam; Murai, Tetsuya; Nakamori, Yoshiteru |
Sep-2014 | Algebraic Mozart by Tree Synthesis | Hirata, Keiji; Tojo, Satoshi; Hamanaka, Masatoshi |
Jun-2006 | Algebraization, parametrized local deduction theorem and interpolation for substructural logics over FL | Galatos, Nikolaos; Ono, Hiroakira |
Nov-2005 | Algorithm for Generating All Spanning Trees of Complete Undirected Graphs | El, Bekkaye Mermri; Katagiri, Hideki; Sakawa, Masatoshi; Kato, Kosuke; Jifa, Gu; Gerhard, Chroust |
1-Nov-2001 | An Algorithm for Legal Firing Sequence Problem of Petri Nets Based on Partial Order Method | HIRAISHI, Kunihiko; TANAKA, Hirohide |
Jan-2006 | Algorithmic Painter: a NPR method to generate various styles of painting | Kasao, A; Miyata, K |
Jul-2021 | Algorithmically Improved Framework for Image-only Robotic Mapping | ELIBOL, Armagan; Nak-Young, Chong |
Apr-2001 | Alignment of Grain Boundary in a Si film Crystallized by a Linearly Polarized Laser Beam on a Glass Substrate | Horita, S; Nakata, Y; Shimoyama, A |
12-Jul-2020 | Alkaline stability of ether bond free fluorene-based anion exchange polymer containing cycloaliphatic quaternary ammonium groups | Salma, Umme; Nagao, Yuki |
22-May-2019 | All-Electron Quantum Monte Carlo with Jastrow Single Determinant Ansatz: Application to the Sodium Dimer | Nakano, Kousuke; Maezono, Ryo; Sorella, Sandro |
22-Oct-2005 | Alliance networks of US. Indian and Chinese IT services companies and the divergence of sectoral innovation systems | WU, Qiong; KLINCWEICZ, Krzysztof; MIYAZAKI, Kumiko |