発行日 | タイトル |
著者 |
Jun-2022 | Practical Lattice-based Threshold Signature | Xu, Yi; じょ, い |
4-Jul-2015 | Practical procedure for retrieval of quantitative phase map for two-phase interface using the transport of intensity equation | Zhang, Xiaobin; Oshima, Yoshifumi |
15-Jul-2024 | Practical Short-Length Coding Schemes for Binary Distributed Hypothesis Testing | Dupraz, Elsa; Adamou, Ismaila Salihou; Asvadi, Reza; Matsumoto, Tad |
Mar-1999 | PrBa2Cu3O7-y単結晶の作製とその超伝導性に関する研究 | 谷川, 維孝; たにかわ, これたか |
Mar-2004 | PrBa2Cu3O7-δをバリア層に用いた強磁性トンネル接合の作製 | 山本, 浩史; やまもと, ひろし |
Mar-1996 | PrCaMnO をバリア層とする高温超伝導接合の製作 | 大西, 孝明 |
Mar-1996 | Precision Synthesis of Butadienyl-functionalized Poly(dimethylsiloxane) Macromonomers | 安島, 香緒里 |
30-Apr-2009 | Precursor Cat-CVD a-Si films for the formation of high-quality poly-Si films on glass substrates by flash lamp annealing | Ohdaira, Keisuke; Shiba, Kazuhiro; Takemoto, Hiroyuki; Fujiwara, Tomoko; Endo, Yohei; Nishizaki, Shogo; Jang, Young Rae; Matsumura, Hideki |
4-Jun-2001 | The predicate extension of the minimum orthologic | Miyazaki, Yutaka |
31-Dec-2011 | A predicative completion of a uniform space | Berger, Josef; Ishihara, Hajime; Palmgren, Erik; Schuster, Peter |
Jun-2008 | Predict task running time in grid environments based on CPU load predictions | Zhang, Yuanyuan; Sun, Wei; Inoguchi, Yasushi |
21-Aug-2008 | Predicting phase synchronization of non-phase-coherent chaos | Tokuda, Isao T.; Kurths, Jurgen; Kiss, Istvan Z.; Hudson, John L. |
Mar-2018 | Predicting the Hospital Length of Stay (LOS) for Diabetic Patients | Phan, Sinh Thanh; ふぁん, しん たいん |
19-Nov-2020 | Predicting Valence and Arousal by Aggregating Acoustic Features for Acoustic-Linguistic Information Fusion | Atmaja, Bagus Tris; Hamada, Yasuhiro; Akagi, Masato |
Oct-2007 | Prediction of Histone Modifications in DNA sequences | Pham, Tho Hoan; Tran, Dang Hung; Ho, Tu Bao; Satou, K. |
Aug-2008 | Prediction of human microRNA hairpin using only positive sample learning | Tran, Dang Hung; Tho, Hoam Pham; Satou, Kenji; Ho, Tu Bao |
Nov-2007 | Prediction of Protein-Protein Interactions Using Bayesian Networks | Nguyen, Thanh Phuong; Tu, Bao Ho; Nguyen, Ngoc Binh |
Jul-2005 | Prediction of tertiary structure of NSSRs' RNA recognition motif and the RNA binding activity | Fushimi, Kazuo; Uchida, Shizuka; Matsushita, Ryousuke; Tsukahara, Toshifumi |
2006 | Predictive Labeling | Hirokawa, Nao; Middeldorp, Aart |
Jul-2018 | Predictive thermal comfort control for cyber-physical home systems | En, Ooi Sian; Yoshiki, Makino; Lim, Yuto; Tan, Yasuo |