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検索結果: 4249-4269 / 18390.

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発行日タイトル 著者
6-Nov-2012 Relating Bishop's function spaces to neighbourhood spacesIshihara, Hajime
1-Sep-2002 Relation between Molecular Structure and Flow Instability for Ethylene/α-Olefin CopolymersYamaguchi, Masayuki; Miyata, Hiroshi; Tan, Victor; Gogos, Costas G.
Mar-2020 The Relationship between Annoying Behavior and Subjective Well-Being: Case Study of Night Bus Travel Experience徐, 春蕾; じょ, しゅんらい
Sep-2019 The Relationship between Cognition and Metacognition in Technology Enhanced Self-Regulated LearningTRAN, Minh Tuan; とらん, みん つあん
6-Mar-2019 Relationship between discomfort sound and its physical correlatesTakahashi, Yumiko; Akagi, Masato
Mar-2021 The relationship between intercultural communication competence and perceived challenges and its effects on the success of studying in Japan: A case study of international graduate students in JAIST賈, 穎慧; か, えいけい
31-Jan-2023 The relationship between the fine structure of amylopectin and the 1 type of crystalline allomorph of starch granules in rice endospermNakamura, Yasunori; Yashiro, Kazuki; Matsuba, Go; Wang, Yifei; Mizutani, Goro; Ono, Masami; Bao, Jinsong
17-Oct-1995 A relationship between the number of negations and the circuit sizeTanaka, Keisuke; Nishino, Tetsuro; 田中, 圭介; 西野, 哲朗; タナカ, ケイスケ; ニシノ, テツロウ
18-Jan-1994 The relative size of greedy independent sets in sparse and bounded-degree graphsHalldorsson, Magnus M.; Radhakrishnan, Jaikumar
Aug-2005 Relaxation process of photoexcited carriers in GaAs structures with low-temperature-grown layersAraya, T; Kato, N; Otsuka, N
1-Sep-2003 Relaxation processes of photoexcited carriers in GaAs/AlAs multiple quantum well structures grown by molecular beam epitaxy at low temperaturesRath, M. C.; Araya, T.; Kumazaki, S.; Yoshihara, K.; Otsuka, N.
Sep-2014 Relevance Zone Oriented Searchの拡張と 連珠への適用Satou, Naoyuki
Sep-2013 Reliability Prediction for Component-Based Software Systems with Architectural-Level Fault Tolerance MechanismsPham, Thanh-Trung; Defago, Xavier
15-May-2014 Reliability prediction for component-based software systems: Dealing with concurrent and propagating errorsPham, Thanh-Trung; Defago, Xavier; Huynh, Quyet-Thang
1-Dec-2001 Reliable Data Routing for Spatial-Temporal TMR Multiprocessor SystemsKANEKO, Mineo
12-Jul-2015 A Reliably Weighted Collaborative Filtering SystemNguyen, Van-Doan; Huynh, Van-Nam
Mar-2015 Remote Access Trojan (RAT) の検知に関する研究蒋, 丹; しょう, たん
May-2003 Renconを外と内から眺めたら…平賀,瑠美; 大島,千佳; 西本,一志
Jul-2008 Reordering Phrase-based machine translation over chunksNguyen, Vinh Van; Nguyen, Thai Phuong; Shimazu, Akira; Nguyen, Minh Le
Mar-2021 Rep-cube岡田, 珠美; おかだ, たまみ
26-Jul-2017 Rep-cubes: Unfolding and Dissection of CubesXu, Dawei; Horiyama, Takashi; Uehara, Ryuhei
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