発行日 | タイトル |
著者 |
Nov-2005 | An Analysis of R&D Project Performance from Research to Commercialization ~ Evidence from a Japanese Electric Company | Osawa, Yoshitaka; Miyazaki, Kumiko; Jifa, Gu; Gerhard, Chroust |
Nov-2007 | An Analysis of Research Topics within a Community : the Example of Knowledge Science | NIE, Kun; JI, Zhe; NAKAMORI, Yoshiteru; Nakamori, Yoshiteru; Wang, Zhongtuo; Gu, Jifa; Ma, Tieju |
Sep-2005 | Analysis of Scientific Literature to Identify Research Relationship | Huang, Wei |
Mar-2018 | An Analysis of Scrabble from the Viewpoint of Gamified Learning | Suwanviwatana, Kananat; すわんゔぃわったな, かななっと |
Sep-2020 | Analysis of Single-Agent Game: case study using Minesweeper | Wu, TingTing |
21-Oct-2000 | The analysis of technological Collaboration based on US Patents | Hwang, Jung Tae; 宮崎, 久美子 |
Sep-2017 | Analysis of the degradation mechanisms of fluorescent organic light emitting diodes | Le, Cong Duy; れ, こん ずい |
28-Oct-2023 | Analysis of the Impact of Revoked Article 40 Solo Paragraph and Article 229-c (ANVISA) of the Brazilian Patent Law on Patent Enforcement and Implementation in Brazil | Mitsumori, Yaeko; Carapeto, Roberto Glower |
Mar-2006 | Analysis of the Local Field near Au Nanowires by Optical Second Harmonic Spectroscopy | Mizutani, Goro; Sugawara, Akira; Sano, Haruyuki; Takabe, Hideaki / Hoang Luong, Nguyen / Onuki, Yoshichika |
Mar-2011 | Analysis of the optical second harmonic generation from Pt nanowires on the faceted MgO(110) template | Ogata, Yoichi; Tuan, Nguyen Anh; Takase, Saho; Mizutani, Goro |
Nov-2007 | An Analysis of the Structure and Evaluation Methods of Individual Tacit Knowledge | LI, Zuo-xue; WANG, Qian; Cao, Lianzhong; Nakamori, Yoshiteru; Wang, Zhongtuo; Gu, Jifa; Ma, Tieju |
Mar-2013 | An Analysis of Voting Algorithm in Games [課題研究報告書] | Sato, Yuichiro |
Dec-2017 | An Analysis of Winning Streak's Effects in Language Course of "Duolingo" | Huynh, Duy; Iida, Hiroyuki |
Mar-2012 | An analysis on E-Learning in Academia from the viewpoint of Knowledge Management: A Case Study of Library and Information Science Schools | Islam, Md. Shiful |
May-2004 | Analysis on Operation of a F-FET Memory With an Intermediate Electrode | Khoa, Tran Dang; Horita, Susumu |
9-Oct-2010 | Analytical Framework for the Study of the Emergence and Evolution of New Innovation Systems | Avila-Robinson, Alfonso; Miyazaki, Kumiko |
Jan-2007 | An Analytical Method for MMSE MIMO Turbo Equalizer EXIT Chart Computation | Kansanen, K.; Matsumoto, T. |
Sep-2021 | Analyzing Games with Varying Number of Players and its Significance using Physics in Mind | Thavamuni, Sagguneswaraan; さばむに, さぐねすわらん |
2010 | Analyzing Multimodal Time Series as Dynamical Systems | Hidaka, Shohei; Yu, Chen |
25-Aug-2015 | Analyzing Reliability Change in Legal Case | Jirakunkanok, Pimolluck; Sano, Katsuhiko; Tojo, Satoshi |
Nov-2005 | Analyzing the Effect of New Product Development Using an Agent Based Consumer Behavior Model - An Application to the Sanitary Products Market in Japan | Kitanaka, Hideaki; Shiba, Naoki; Tanaka, Hirokazu; Jifa, Gu; Gerhard, Chroust |