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このアイテムの引用には次の識別子を使用してください: http://hdl.handle.net/10119/19406

タイトル: Enhancing Social Robot Navigation with Integrated Motion Prediction and Trajectory Planning in Dynamic Human Environments
著者: Nguyen Canh, Thanh
HoangVan, Xiem
Chong, Nak Young
キーワード: Social Navigation
Trajectory Planning
Dynamic Human Environments
発行日: 2024-10-29
出版者: Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems (ICROS)
誌名: 2024 24th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS)
開始ページ: 731
終了ページ: 736
DOI: 10.23919/ICCAS63016.2024.10773156
抄録: Navigating safely in dynamic human environments is crucial for mobile service robots, and social navigation is a key aspect of this process. In this paper, we proposed an integrative approach that combines motion prediction and trajectory planning to enable safe and socially-aware robot navigation. The main idea of the proposed method is to leverage the advantages of Socially Acceptable trajectory prediction and Timed Elastic Band (TEB) by incorporating human interactive information including position, orientation, and motion into the objective function of the TEB algorithms. In addition, we designed social constraints to ensure the safety of robot navigation. The proposed system is evaluated through physical simulation using both quantitative and qualitative metrics, demonstrating its superior performance in avoiding human and dynamic obstacles, thereby ensuring safe navigation. The implementations are open source at: https://github.com/thanhnguyencanh/SGan-TEB.git
Rights: This is the author's version of the work. Copyright (C) ICROS. 2024 24th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS 2024), 2024, pp. 731-736. DOI: 10.23919/ICCAS63016.2024.10773156. Personal use of this material is permitted. This material is posted here with permission of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems (ICROS).
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10119/19406
資料タイプ: author
出現コレクション:b11-1. 会議発表論文・発表資料 (Conference Papers)


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