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検索結果: 2980-3000 / 18405.

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発行日タイトル 著者
1-Apr-2018 Low-latency communication in LTE and WiFi using spatial diversity and encoding redundancyYU, Yu; KUCERA, Stepan; LIM, Yuto; TAN, Yasuo
18-Sep-2016 Low-latency communications in LTE using spatial diversity and encoding redundancyKucera, Stepan; Yu, Yu; Buddhikot, Milind; Lim, Yuto
6-Nov-2013 Low-Temperature All-Solution-Derived Amorphous Oxide Thin-Film TransistorsTue, Phan Trong; Li, Jinwang; Miyasako, Takaaki; Inoue, Satoshi; Shimoda, Tatsuya
12-Apr-1999 Low-temperature crystallization of amorphous silicon using atomic hydrogen generated by catalytic reaction on heated tungstenHeya, Akira; Masuda, Atsushi; Matsumura, Hideki
20-Oct-2010 Low-Temperature Crystallization of Silicon Films Directly Deposited on Glass Substrates Covered with Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia LayersHorita, Susumu; Hana, Sukreen
10-Sep-2010 A low-temperature crystallization path for device-quality ferroelectric filmLi, Jinwang; Kameda, Hiroyuki; Trinh, Bui Nguyen Quoc; Miyasako, Takaaki; Tue, Phan Trong; Tokumitsu, Eisuke; Mitani, Tadaoki; Shimoda, Tatsuya
23-Mar-2009 Low-Temperature Deposition of Silicon Oxide Film from the Reaction of Silicone Oil Vapor and Ozone GasHorita, Susumu; Toriyabe, Koichi; Nishioka, Kensuke
Sep-2009 Low-Temperature Fabrication of a Polycrystalline Silicon Film using a Polycrystalline Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia Stimulation Layer on a Glass SubstrateHerman, Sukreen Hana
Sep-2003 Low-temperature thermoelectric properties of single-crystalline Bi1.8 Sb0.2 Te3.0 grown from tellurium-rich liquidHuong, Thu Ngo
9-Nov-2015 A Lower Bound Analysis of Hamming Distortion for a Binary CEO Problem with Joint Source-Channel CodingHe, Xin; Zhou, Xiaobo; Komulainen, Petri; Juntti, Markku; Matsumoto, Tad
17-Jan-1997 Lower bounds on the negation-limited circuit complexitySung, Shao-Chin; Tanaka, Keisuke; 宋, 少秋; 田中, 圭介
Jun-2008 An LP-based blind model for restoring bone-conducted speechVu, Thang tat; Unoki, Masashi; Akagi, Masato
5-Oct-2007 LP-based method of blind restoration to improve intelligibility of bone-conducted speechThang, Tat Vu; Unoki, Masashi; Akagi, Masato
Mar-2002 LSCO単結晶におけるジョセフソン磁束系の磁束グラス転移川畑, 友哉; かわばた, ゆうや
Mar-1999 LSCO単結晶における異方性と渦糸状態の研究宮川, 善秀; みやがわ, よしひで
Mar-2002 LSCO単結晶における磁束格子融解転移杉崎, 陽一; ぎさき, ひろかず
Mar-2004 LSCO単結晶における磁束系相転移柳沢, 優介; やなぎさわ, ゆうすけ
Mar-1999 LSCO銅酸化物超伝導体の超伝導ゆらぎの研究中川, 貴文; なかがわ, たかふみ
21-Oct-2006 LSIの配線設計の課題と設計自動化ツール開発の重要性の考察(国際競争力・産業競争力 (2))野村, 稔
Nov-2005 Ludwig von Bertalanffy Forerunner of Evolutionary Systems TheoryWolfgang, Hofkirchner; Jifa, Gu; Gerhard, Chroust
17-Oct-2012 Lyapunov stability analysis of energy constraint for intelligent home energy management systemUmer, Saher; Tan, Yasuo; Lim, Azman Osman
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