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検索結果: 1527-1547 / 18390.
発行日 | タイトル |
著者 |
Jun-2009 | An efficient power supply system using phase control in 2D communication | Zhang, Bing; Lim, Azman Osman; Kado, Youiti; Itai, Hiroto; Shinoda, Hiroyuki |
2010 | Efficient Privacy-Preserving Data Mining in Malicious Model | Emura, Keita; Miyaji, Atsuko; Rahman, Mohammad Shahriar |
23-Dec-2013 | Efficient Production of Live Offspring from Mouse Oocytes Vitrified with a Novel Cryoprotective Agent, Carboxylated ε-poly-L-lysine | Watanabe, Hitomi; Kohaya, Natsuki; Kamoshita, Maki; Fujiwara, Katsuyoshi; Matsumura, Kazuaki; Hyon, Suong-Hyu; Ito, Junya; Kashiwazaki, Naomi |
Mar-2019 | Efficient Robot Grasp Learning by Demonstration | 高, 子焱; こう, しえん |
16-Jun-2019 | Efficient Robotic Grasp Learning by Demonstration | Gao, Ziyan; Chong, Nak Young |
Dec-2023 | An Efficient Sparse Matrix Storage Format for Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiplication and Sparse Matrix-Transpose-Vector Multiplication on GPUs | 伊澤, 遼平; いざわ, りょうへい |
Aug-2013 | Efficient spatial data recovery scheme for cyber-physical system | Nower, Naushin; Tan, Yasuo; Lim, Azman Osman |
Apr-2014 | Efficient Temporal and Spatial Data Recovery Scheme for Stochastic and Incomplete Feedback Data of Cyber-physical Systems | NOWER, Naushin; TAN, Yasuo; LIM, Azman Osman |
Mar-2023 | Efficient Textual and Visual Question-Answering Systems for Scientific Documents | Le, Khang Nguyen; れ, かん ぐえん |
16-Apr-2002 | Efficient weighted multiselection in parallel architectures | Shen, Hong |
2-Mar-2020 | EgoSpace : 双方向映像投影可能なヘッドマウント型デバイス | 足立, 優也; 張, 浩鵬; 鷺坂, 遼; 鳥居, 拓馬; 謝, 浩然 |
Mar-1997 | EGPs における負荷検出機構による動的経路制御 | 井澤, 志充 |
6-Mar-2013 | EinfühlungMors: 非随伴的・非自立的モダリティの追加による遠隔音声会話拡張の試み | 加藤, 千佳; 小倉, 加奈代; 西本, 一志; Kato, Chika; Ogura, Kanayo; Nishimoto, Kazushi |
21-Feb-2013 | EinfühlungMors: 非随伴的・非自立的モダリティの追加による遠隔音声会話拡張の試み | 加藤, 千佳; 小倉, 加奈代; 西本, 一志; Kato, Chika; Ogura, Kanayo; Nishimoto, Kazushi |
Sep-2006 | EI・創造性・実践力による3要素自己診断法の提案 -研究開発従事者の商品開発力を高めるために- | 安達, 恭史; あだち, きょうし |
Nov-2005 | The Elaboration of the Academic Technology Roadmap (ATRM) : Three Cases in Academic Material Science Laboratories | Okutsu, Shoko; Tatsuse, Takashi; Jifa, Gu; Gerhard, Chroust |
13-Feb-2006 | Electric conductance through chemical bonding states being formed between a Si tip and a Si(111)-(7x7) surface by bias-voltage noncontact atomic force spectroscopy | Arai, T.; Tomitori, M. |
27-Nov-2017 | Electric Field Effect on Optical Second-harmonic Generation of Amphoteric Megamolecule Aggregates | Zhao, Yue; Li, Yanrong; Khuat, Thi Thu Hien; Mizutani, Goro; Ito, Nobuaki; Rutt, Harvey N.; Okajima, Maiko; Kaneko, Tatsuo |
Apr-2006 | Electric-field effects on intersubband Raman laser gain in modulation-doped GaAs/AlGaAs coupled double quantum wells | Miura, Makoto; Katayama, Shin'ichi |
Sep-2024 | Electric-field Sensor based on MoS2/Graphene Heterostructure for Lightning Forecast | 胡, 佳麗; こ, かれい |
1-Jan-2001 | Electrical properties of nearly stoichiometric GaAs grown by molecular beam epitaxy at low temperature | Fukushima, S.; Obata, T.; Otsuka, N. |