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検索結果: 1247-1267 / 18390.

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発行日タイトル 著者
Jun-2012 Development of programmable biosensor using solid phase peptide synthesis on chipNg, Lightson
15-Feb-2023 Development of Rail-guided Smart Patrol System for Surveillance and Monitoring of Facilities SafetyLee, Hosun; Kwon, Jeasung; Shin, Minjun; Lee, Sungon; Chong, Nak-Young; Yang, Woosung
Nov-2007 Development of RFID Mat Sensor System for Person-Centered Care in Group HomesMiura, Motoki; Ito, Sadanori; Kunifuji, Susumu
Nov-2005 Development of Science and Design of SystemsJanos, Korn; Jifa, Gu; Gerhard, Chroust
Jul-2008 The Development of Simplified Technology Roadmapping for Use by Japanese Chemical CompaniesFujii, Masakatsu; Ikawa, Yasuo
Dec-2022 Development of super-stabilizer for inorganic microparticles dispersion using SacranHa, Quoc Lam; は, くおっく らむ
Mar-2014 Development of Teleoperated and Semi-Autonomous Aerial Vehicles [課題研究報告書]Redwan Newaz, Abdullah Al
Mar-2022 Development of TEM-MCBJ method and measurement of semiconductor nanowire piezoresistive effect楊, 婷婷; よう, ていてい
Sep-2021 Development of Vision-Based Tactile Sensing System for Robotic SwarmLe Dinh Minh, Nhat; れ でぃん みん, なっと
18-Jun-2008 Device characteristics of carbon nanotube transistor fabricated by direct growth methodInami, Nobuhito; Mohamed, Mohd Ambri; Shikoh, Eiji; Fujiwara, Akihiko
Mar-2010 Device operation and functional design of carbon nanotube field-effect transistor fabricated by direct growth methodMohd Ambri, Mohamed
27-Oct-2007 DFM(Design For Manufacturability)を加速する生産技術マネジメント(技術経営(7),一般講演,第22回年次学術大会)清野, 武寿; 西田, 直人; 藤武, 浩二
Mar-2008 DFT情報ネットワークによる QoSの 設計と解析熊, 乃学; しゅん, ない しゅえ
1-Feb-2015 Diagnosis of Stochastic Discrete Event Systems Based on N-gram ModelsYoshimoto, Miwa; Kobayashi, Koichi; Hiraishi, Kunihiko
14-Apr-1997 Diameter dependence of current-voltage characteristics of ultrasmall area AlSb-InAs resonant tunneling diodes with diameters down to 20nmNomoto, K.; Taira, K.; Suzuki, T.; Hase, I.; Hiroshima, H.; Komuro, M.
May-2004 Diameter dependence of ferromagnetic spin moment in Au nanocrystalsHori, H.; Yamamoto, Y.; Iwamoto, T.; Miura, T.; Teranishi, T.; Miyake, M.
11-Oct-1999 Diameter grouping in bulk samples of single-walled carbon nanotubes from optical absorption spectroscopyJost, O.; Gorbunov, A. A.; Pompe, W.; Pichler, T.; Friedlein, R.; Knupfer, M.; Reibold, M.; Bauer, H.-D.; Dunsch, L.; Golden, M. S.; Fink, J.
12-Nov-2010 Diamond to β-tin phase transition in Si within diffusion quantum Monte CarloMaezono, Ryo; Drummond, N. D.; Ma, A.; Needs, R. J.
Nov-2005 Dichotomic Architectural Patterns in Systems EngineeringGerhard, Chroust; Jifa, Gu; Gerhard, Chroust
2009 Different Classes of Words are Learned in Different WaysHidaka, Shohei
2013 Differential Cryptanalysis and Boomerang Cryptanalysis of LBlockChen, Jiageng; Miyaji, Atsuko
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