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検索結果: 1347-1367 / 18390.

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発行日タイトル 著者
Mar-2014 Double-Servicescape for Enhancing Social Capital―A Case of Chinese Tea Restaurant―徐, 海涛; じょ, かいとう
Nov-2015 Doubly Irregular Coded Slotted ALOHA for Massive Uncoordinated Multiway Relay NetworksPurwita, Ardimas Andi; Anwar, Khoirul
7-Sep-2020 Down-link NOMA with Successive Refinement for Binary Symmetric Source TransmissionCheng, Meng; Lin, Wensheng; Matsumoto, Tad
May-2000 Downlink beamforming for frequency-duplex systems in frequency-selective fadingCzylwik, A.; Matsumoto, T.
Dec-2014 DPSC: A Novel Scheduling Strategy for Overloaded Real-Time SystemsCHENG, Zhuo; ZHANG, Haitao; TAN, Yasuo; LIM, Azman Osman
Jun-2018 DPXの学際的服装設計教育方策について-スマートクロージングの設計を例に-Ding, Wei; ちょう, い
1-Sep-1993 DR-nets : data-reconstruction networks for highly reliable parallel-disk systemsYokota, Haruo; 横田, 治夫; ヨコタ, ハルオ
9-Nov-1994 DR-netにおけるパリティ配置/データ再構築戦略の影響味松, 康行; 横田, 治夫; Mimatsu, Yasuyuki; Yokota, Haruo; ミマツ, ヤスユキ; ヨコタ, ハルオ
12-Jun-2009 Drastic Improvement of Minority Carrier Lifetimes Observed in Hydrogen-Passivated Flash-Lamp-Crystallized Polycrystalline Silicon FilmsOhdaira, Keisuke; Takemoto, Hiroyuki; Shiba, Kazuhiro; Matsumura, Hideki
28-Jul-2014 Drastic reduction in the surface recombination velocity of crystalline silicon passivated with catalytic chemical vapor deposited SiN_x films by introducing phosphorous catalytic-doped layerTrinh, Cham Thi; Koyama, Koichi; Ohdaira, Keisuke; Matsumura, Hideki
2010 Drastic suppression of the optical reflection of flash-lamp-crystallized poly-Si films with spontaneously formed periodic microstructuresOhdaira, Keisuke; Nishikawa, Takuya; Shiba, Kazuhiro; Takemoto, Hiroyuki; Matsumura, Hideki
2-Sep-2024 Drawing Guidance for Freehand Sketching with Interactive Diffusion ModelChen, Chuang; Xie, Xiaoxuan; Zhang, Yongming; Zhang, Tianyu; Xie, Haoran
Mar-2016 Drive-by-Download攻撃予測のための難読化JavaScriptの検知に関する研究本田, 仁; ほんだ, じん
Mar-2023 Driver's Personality Traits Estimation from On-road Driving Data基村, 竜晟; きむら, りゅうせい
1-May-2008 Drouting Architecture: Improvement of Failure Avoidance Capability Using Multipath RoutingOHARA, Yasuhiro; KUSUMOTO, Hiroyuki; NAKAMURA, Osamu; MURAI, Jun
17-Feb-2010 Dual spin filter effect in a zigzag graphene nanoribbonOzaki, Taisuke; Nishio, Kengo; Weng, Hongming; Kino, Hiori
8-Oct-2019 Dual Thermo-and pH-Responsive Behavior of Double Zwitterionic Graft Copolymers for Suppression of Protein Aggregation and Protein ReleaseZhao, Dandan; Rajan, Robin; Matsumura, Kazuaki
23-Jan-2017 Dual-gate low-voltage organic transistor for pressure sensingTsuji, Yushi; Sakai ,Heisuke; Feng, Linrun; Guo, Xiaojun; Murata, Hideyuki
26-Feb-2018 Dual-role Collaborative Learning in Simultaneous Second Language AcquisitionAnh, Bui Ba Hoang; Nishimoto, Kazushi
18-Mar-2022 A Dual-Role Collaborative Learning Support System for Simultaneous Speaking Acquisition in English and JapaneseNishimoto, Kazushi; Anh, Bui
Jul-1996 Duality in super-intuitionistic and modal predicate logicsShirasu, Hiroyuki; 白須, 裕之; シラス, ヒロユキ
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