発行日 | タイトル |
著者 |
5-Oct-2014 | Influence of Confined Polymer Structure on Proton Transport Property in Sulfonated Polyimide Thin Films | Krishnan, Karthik; Yamada, Tomoaki; Iwatsuki, Hiroko; Hara, Mitsuo; Nagao, Shusaku; Otsubo, Kazuya; Sakata, Osami; Fujiwara, Akihiko; Kitagawa, Hiroshi; Nagao, Yuki |
May-2005 | Influence of diffusion of Fe atoms into the emissive layer of an organic light-emitting device on the luminescence properties | Shikoh, E; Ando, Y; Miyazaki, T. |
15-Nov-2000 | Influence of electronic states on precipitation of metallic As clusters in LT-GaAs | Otsuka, N.; Tasaki, Y.; Yamada, T.; Suda, A.; M. R. Melloch |
14-Aug-2020 | Influence of emitter position of silicon heterojunction photovoltaic solar cell modules on their potential-induced degradation behaviors | Yamaguchi, Seira; Yamamoto, Chizuko; Ohshita, Yoshio; Ohdaira, Keisuke; Masuda, Atsushi |
2009 | Influence of growth temperature on the selective area MOVPE of InAs nanowires on GaAs (111) B using N_2 carrier gas | Akabori, M.; Sladek, K.; Hardtdegen, H.; Schäpers, Th.; Grützmacher, D. |
26-Jun-2020 | Influence of hygrothermal stress on potential-induced degradation for homojunction and heterojunction crystalline Si photovoltaic modules | Masuda, Atsushi; Yamamoto, Chizuko; Hara, Yukiko; Jonai, Sachiko; Tachibana, Yasushi; Toyoda, Takeshi; Minamikawa, Toshiharu; Yamaguchi, Seira; Ohdaira, Keisuke |
1-Feb-2006 | Influence of Inaccurate Performance Prediction on Task Scheduling in a Grid Environment | ZHANG, Yuanyuan; INOGUCHI, Yasushi |
3-Feb-2021 | Influence of light illumination on the potential-induced degradation of n-type interdigitated back-contact crystalline Si photovoltaic modules | Xu, Yuansong; Masuda, Atsushi; Ohdaira, Keisuke |
28-Jan-2022 | Influence of light irradiation on the charge-accumulation-type potential-induced degradation of n-type front-emitter crystalline Si photovoltaic modules | Zhao, Rongrong; Huynh, Tu Thi Cam; Masuda, Atsushi; Ohdaira, Keisuke |
2-Sep-2015 | Influence of Molecular Weight on Molecular Ordering and Proton Transport in Organized Sulfonated Polyimide Thin Films | Krishnan, Karthik; Iwatsuki, Hiroko; Hara, Mitsuo; Nagano, Shusaku; Nagao, Yuki |
Nov-2005 | Influence of new mobile tools on communication | Murata, Saori; Toriumi, Fujio; Ishii, Kenichiro; Jifa, Gu; Gerhard, Chroust |
2005 | Influence of performance prediction inaccuracy on task scheduling in grid environment | Zhang, Yuanyuan; Inoguchi, Yasushi |
14-May-2019 | Influence of sodium on the potential-induced degradation for n-type crystalline silicon photovoltaic modules | Ohdaira, Keisuke; Komatsu, Yutaka; Suzuki, Tomoyasu; Yamaguchi, Seira; Masuda, Atsushi |
5-Mar-2008 | Influence of surface ligands on saturation magnetization of FePt nanoparticles | Tanaka, Yasushi; Saita, Soichiro; Maenosono, Shinya |
21-Mar-2011 | Influence of surface ligands on the electronic structure of Fe-Pt clusters: A density functional theory study | Trinh, Thuy T; Ozaki, Taisuke; Maenosono, Shinya |
2002 | Influence of the beam irradiation condition with oblique incidence on crystallization of an Si film by a linearly polarized pulse laser | Nakata, Yasunori; Kaki, Hirokazu; Horita, Susumu |
8-Jul-2016 | Influence of the oxide thickness of a SiO_2/Si(001) substrate on the optical second harmonic intensity of few-layer MoSe_2 | Miyauchi, Yoshihiro; Morishita, Ryo; Tanaka, Masatoshi; Ohno, Sinya; Mizutani, Goro; Suzuki, Takanori |
9-Sep-2011 | Influences of polypropylene grafted to SiO_2 nanoparticles on the crystallization behavior and mechanical properties of polypropylene/SiO_2 nanocomposites | Umemori, Masaki; Taniike, Toshiaki; Terano, Minoru |
3-Mar-2011 | Influences of transformed auditory feedback with first three formant frequencies | Shih, Tsungming; Suemitsu, Atsuo; Akagi, Masato |
Sep-2020 | Informatical Analysis of Go and Mahjong and its Evolutionary Changes | 呉,亦聡; ご,えきそう |
Oct-2013 | Information Dynamics in FIFA Women's World Cup Germany 2011 Final | Nakagawa, Takeo; Iida, Hiroyuki |