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検索結果: 4369-4389 / 18390.
発行日 | タイトル |
著者 |
Nov-2005 | The Role of Language within Knowledge Creation Processes | Filippina, Risopoulos; Jifa, Gu; Gerhard, Chroust |
21-Oct-2006 | The Role of Market Learning as a Coordinator of Techno-Countervailing Power : An Empirical Analysis of Canon Printers based on Optimal Theory | 雷, 善玉; 渡辺, 千仭 |
22-May-2012 | The role of negatively charged Au states in aerobic oxidation of alcohols over hydrotalcite supported AuPd nanoclusters | Nishimura, Shun; Yakita, Yusuke; Katayama, Madoka; Higashimine, Koichi; Ebitania, Kohki |
30-Jul-2011 | The role of production fragmentation in the international business cycle synchronization in East Asia | Takeuchi, Fumihide |
19-Jul-2010 | Role of the Techno-Producer in the Construction Industry, as a Leader of Innovation | Hirabayashi, Yuji; Ikawa, Yasuo |
Nov-2005 | Role-driven Business Process Models | Zhao, Weidong; Jifa, Gu; Gerhard, Chroust |
Nov-2005 | The Roles of Creative Thinking and Decision-Making Tools for Building Knowledge Societies | Vesna, Čančer; Matjaž, Mulej; Jifa, Gu; Gerhard, Chroust |
Dec-2004 | Room temperature ferromagnetism in anatase Ti_<0.95>Cr_<0.05>O_2 thin films: Clusters or not? | Nguyen, Hoa Hong; Ruyter, Antoine; Prellier, W.; Sakai, Joe |
Sep-2005 | Room temperature ferromagnetism in laser ablated Ni-doped In_2O_3 thin films | Nguyen, Hoa Hong; Sakai, Joe; Ngo, Thu Huong; Brizé, Virginie |
Apr-2006 | Room-temperature ferromagnetism observed in undoped semiconducting and insulating oxide thin films | Nguyen, Hoa Hong; Sakai, Joe; Poirot, Nathalie; Brizé, Virginie |
May-2005 | Room-temperature resistance switching and temperature hysteresis of Pr_<0.7>Ca_<0.3>MnO_3 junctions | Sakai, Joe; Imai, Syozo |
22-Feb-2006 | Rotational and vibrational state distribution of H_2 activated on a heated tungsten filament | Umemoto, Hironobu; Ansari, S. G.; Matsumura, Hideki |
16-Jun-2005 | A roughness measure for fuzzy sets | Huynh, Van-Nam; Nakamori, Yoshiteru |
4-Mar-2008 | Round off error analysis based on Weighted Pushdown Model checking | Do, Ngoc Thi Bich |
Feb-2013 | Route-Enabling Graph Orientation Problems | Ito, Takehiro; Miyamoto, Yuichiro; Ono, Hirotaka; Tamaki, Hisao; Uehara, Ryuhei |
Dec-2010 | RPoK: A Strongly Resilient Polynomial-based Random Key Pre-distribution Scheme for Multiphase Wireless Sensor Networks | Ito, Hisashige; Miyaji, Atsuko ; Omote, Kazumasa |
Mar-2014 | RTLとゲートレベルを混在させた最適な論理回路設計に関する研究 | 張, 之飛; ちょう, しひ |
Mar-2007 | RTOSを用いた組込みソフトウェア設計の検証手法の提案と事例への適用 | 飛鳥, 誠; あすか, まこと |
Sep-2015 | RTOSオーバヘッドを考慮したスケジューリング方式の提案 | 長谷川, 和輝; はせがわ, かずき |
Mar-2017 | Ru-La前駆体物質のインプリントメカニズムの解明 | 三原, 純一; みはら, じゅんいち |
Sep-2010 | Rule selection for syntax-based Vietnamese-English statistical machine translation | Bui, Thanh Hung; ぶい, たん ふん |